Dutch Smoushond

The eyes are one of the Dutch Smoushond's typical features. They portray a friendly, alert expression with big, round, dark eyes, never bulging or deep-set with black rims and well-developed eyelashes.

About the Dutch Smoushond

Although the origin of the breed is uncertain it is generally believed that the yellow Schnauzer was one of the original dogs in the creation of the breed. A dog dealer in Amsterdam sold these dogs as "Gentleman's stable dogs" to visitors of the Amsterdam commodity exchange. Soon the name changed into "Smous" i.e. rough-bearded.

Dutch Smoushonds are affectionate, cheerful and very comfortable with themselves. Neither overanxious nor hyperactive, dogs of this breed are very good family dogs that are not inclined to yap or wander away on their own.

Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Breed Specifics

Country: The Netherlands
Size category: Small
Avg life expectancy: 12-15 years
Loving / Alert / Independent / Friendly / Intelligent / Sensitive / Even-tempered

Key facts

Makes a great family dog
Requires moderate grooming
Patient with children and other animals
Dachshund puppy in black and white eating from a red bowl

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