Sức khỏe còn yếu

Một vài tuần và tháng đầu đời là chìa khóa để mang tới cho chú mèo con của bạn một sự khởi đầu hoàn hảo trong cuộc đời.

4 tuần tuổi

Giai đoạn mới sinh

Những chú mèo sơ sinh ở gần mẹ và dần nhận biết thế giới.

Hành vi của mèo con của ban·

Mèo con giao tiếp với bạn bằng nhiều cách khác nhau. Việc đọc ngôn ngữ cơ thể, quan sát các biểu hiện và lắng nghe âm thanh chúng tạo ra có thể cho bạn biết rất nhiều về cảm giác của chúng và những gì chúng cần từ bạn.

    Bengal Kitten in black and white

    Your essential kitten care guide

    Like any young pet, that tiny kitten you brought home started life pretty helpless. The first year of their life is their most fragile period, but that stage doesn’t last long. Your kitten will grow rapidly and depend on you to provide everything they need to do so healthily as they navigate the journey from kittenhood to adult cat.


    Whether you are new to kitten care, need a refresher on the ins and outs of caring for a kitten or are gathering information because you feel pulled to adopt a kitten, our kitten care guide covers all that you will need to give your furry companion the best start in life and keep giving them that care all throughout their life with you.

    On this page you will find the following:


    1. The ABCs of kitten development


    During your kitten’s first year, there will be several growth stages. And there are both physical and cognitive changes at each one. When you can recognise the stage your kitten is in, you can confidently support their growth.


    All studies have shown us that when it comes to your cat, good health starts in kittenhood—it sets up a solid foundation for future health. As your kitten transforms from a newborn kitten to an adult cat, their nutritional needs change. Knowing what they need for optimal health at each stage of growth will help you ensure you are giving your cat everything they need to thrive.


    Raising a kitten isn’t hard, per se. But if you’re like the majority of new pet owners (or future pet owners), you’ve got questions. Perhaps you wonder about your kitten’s development by month, how to train a kitten (yes, it’s possible!), or even wonder how fast your kitten will grow—cheat sheet: it depends on their breed—and when your kitten will be considered an adolescent or adult cat. Our kitten care guide has all the essential information you need to be assured you’re raising a healthy kitten.

    A sense of sight

    It takes up to four weeks for a kitten’s sight and connected behaviour (spatial perception) to be fully developed.

    Immunity and defence

    In their first six months your kitten’s immature immune system must protect them from millions of germs.

    Tripling their weight

    At birth most kittens weigh around 100 grams. Within a week they will double that weight, and triple it within 21 days.

    Healthy bones

    In the first year of life your kitten’s bones must grow to become four times stronger than concrete.

    Extraordinary growth

    In the first six months of life a kitten will grow as much as a 10 year old adult child

    A sense of sight

    It takes up to four weeks for a kitten’s sight and connected behaviour (spatial perception) to be fully developed.

    Immunity and defence

    In their first six months your kitten’s immature immune system must protect them from millions of germs.

    Tripling their weight

    At birth most kittens weigh around 100 grams. Within a week they will double that weight, and triple it within 21 days.

    Healthy bones

    In the first year of life your kitten’s bones must grow to become four times stronger than concrete.

    Extraordinary growth

    In the first six months of life a kitten will grow as much as a 10 year old adult child

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    2. Getting prepared for your kitten


    Getting a new kitten is exciting. But without some advance preparation, those early days of navigating through the unknown can feel a bit chaotic. The good news: it doesn’t have to be!


    Your new kitten has lots of growth, development and cuddle sessions ahead of them. Preparing to welcome them includes having a clear idea about the essential things you need for a kitten to help ensure they grow into a healthy adult. We have curated all the information necessary for you to raise your kitten to be the contentedly purring companion you envision successfully.

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    3. Kitten feeding to support their nutritional needs


    Kittens have unique dietary needs as they grow up. It’s perfectly normal to wonder what to feed your kitten and even how to feed your kitten. Deciding which food best meets their changing nutritional needs is less complicated when you know the basics of kitten nutrition. Hint: they have completely different needs than adult cats. Learn about your kitten’s unique feeding and nutritional needs to support a healthy future.

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    Tìm kiếm lời khuyên phù hợp


    Mở khóa tiềm năng theo dõi sức khỏe của thú cưng


    4. Caring for your kitten


    Cat mothers do a wonderful job of providing their kittens with the nutrition, immunity, and socialisation they need for a healthy start in life. When you bring your kitten home, they now depend on you for all their needs.


    Young kittens have immature immune systems. As the mother cat weans them from nursing to eating solid food, the immunity they enjoy decreases, leaving them potentially vulnerable to kitten diseases and illnesses. A great first step toward your kitten’s healthy future is their first vet visit.


    Typical kitten healthcare includes regular health checks, routine kitten vaccinations, parasite control, and dental care—all vital to your kitten’s health. Finding a good veterinarian in your neighbourhood will be an excellent resource for you in your kitten care journey, and a solid source of information and answers to your feline health questions. 

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