
Aidis exhibit remarkable instincts to guard and protect. Ever alert, they have an innate ability to assess the gravity and proximity of a threat and to fearlessly provide a proportionate, efficient response to it.

About the Aidi

Aidis are solid, very hardy dogs of remarkable strength and mobility. Muscular, nervous, strongly built and lacking in any heaviness, this breed has a distinctive bushy coat to protect them from the sun and the cold of the mountain slopes. Their fleece also provides protection in fights with jackals and other predators.

It has a lively, direct and determined gaze, as befits a vigilant dog that is always ready to guard. In some regions of Morocco, ear cropping is customary. The tail of working dogs may even be docked.

Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Breed Specifics

Country: Morocco
Size category: Large
Avg life expectancy: 10-12 years
Alert / Independent / Loyal / Sensitive

Key facts

Requires moderate grooming
Makes a great family dog
Enjoys training

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