​How your cat's diet affects its urinary health

Learn more about how what you feed your cat can help it maintain a healthy, functioning urinary system.


Many cats worldwide are affected by lower urinary tract disease, often without any identifiable underlying cause. This can have a significant impact on your cat’s overall health, so it’s crucial to understand how you can support them and help them maintain a healthy, functioning urinary system.


Why Is My Cat’s Urinary Health Important?

Your cat’s urinary system, which includes the kidneys and bladder, works to process and remove waste products from their body. If there are kidney issues, the system can no longer remove these products. Bladder problems may include inflammation, stones, and, in a worst-case scenario, urinary obstruction. These problems can affect your cat’s comfort and overall health.


What Urinary Problems Can Cats Suffer From?

It’s common for cats to suffer from lower urinary tract problems caused by several different things.

Urolithiasis is the process by which crystals or stones can build up in your cat’s urinary system, most often in their bladder. These are caused by a crystallization of minerals, naturally present in your cat’s body, which aren’t being processed properly by their urinary system or which are at higher concentration in the urine than normal. Increased urine concentration can also contribute to this process. These stones can cause inflammation or even block the passage of urine.

Cats may also have inflammation unassociated with a stone or infection. The cause of this inflammation is usually unknown, so it is called “idiopathic”—which means the underlying cause cannot be found.

Cats can also contract bacterial infections that can irritate their urinary system and, more rarely, develop tumors or mucus plugs, which result in urinary issues.

Adult cat standing outside on grass eating from a white bowl.

Why Do Cats Suffer from Bladder Problems?

Cats are descended from desert-dwelling mammals whose requirement to drink water was low. This underlying instinctive behavior is a key factor in cats’ predisposition to urinary problems, as they often drink less and urinate less frequently than is ideal for their new lifestyle as companion animals in a modern environment.

However, other factors also affect the likelihood of your cat suffering from urinary issues. Overweight or obese cats are more likely to get feline lower urinary tract disease which includes cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), urolithiasis, and obstructions. Neutered cats also have an increased risk of developing stones.

Idiopathic cystitis in cats is a condition that got its name because, for a long time, cat health experts could not find a clear underlying cause for the problem. We now know that this condition can be affected by one or more diverse lifestyle factors including stress, sedentary or indoor living, environments with little stimulation for your cat, and even a litter box that is poorly placed or difficult to access. 

How Urinary Care Cat Food Can Help Support Health

If your cat is suffering from an urgent problem such as a urinary stone, the first thing your vet will do is offer medical or surgical management to support the resolution of issues in the most appropriate way. After that, they may suggest changing your cat’s diet to help maintain a healthier urinary system.

Your cat’s diet can support its urinary system by creating a favorable internal environment in which bladder stones are less likely to form and your cat is encouraged to urinate more frequently to help flush out their system. If your cat has bladder stones, a special diet may help prevent the development of more stones.

Wet foods have a high percentage of water, which can be useful in getting your cat to urinate more. Some veterinary diets are specifically designed to promote more dilute urine.

If your cat’s behavior around urinating has changed, make sure to take them to a vet who will be able to advise you on the best course of action. In addition, always remember to give your cat access to plenty of fresh, clean drinking water to maintain a healthy bladder.

Learn more about why tailored diets are important to support a cat's urinary health.

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