Ready to Adopt a Pet?

Over 1,000 people per hour run a search on Adopt a Pet. Pet adoption is quickly becoming the preferred way to find a new dog or cat, and rightly so, there are many benefits to adopting a pet.



The biggest benefit? Adoption helps pets in need find loving families. It also lets people meet pets that are already housetrained, good with kids, or even a specific breed that they know and love. All with lower fees.

As rewarding as adopting a pet can be, the process isn’t always easy. There are often lengthy applications, phone interviews, home visits… the list goes on.

That’s where our friends at
Adopt a Pet come in. They’re a pet adoption and rehome site that brings people and pets together by improving the adoption process for everyone involved. Through tools, advice, and transparency, they’re there for you through every step of the adoption process—from that initial search to starting life as a new pet parent.

Ready to find your pet? Here’s how they can help:

  • Browse all adoptable pets in your area by entering your city or zip code 
  • Narrow down your search by filtering by age, breed, and more
  • Set New Pet Alerts to receive emails whenever a new pet profile fits your criteria

Check out featured pets, adoption advice, and other tools at

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