English Pointer
About the English Pointer
English Pointers are harmonious and well built, with plenty of grace, exuding strength and suppleness. One of the first breeds to be registered by the F.C.I., as seasoned athletes Pointers are elite performers in every sense.
English Pointers will stop stock still when they observe the game, showing the full splendour of their body, fronted by an expression of determination. It’s truly a marvellous sight to behold.
Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)Breed specifics
Size category: Large
Avg life expectancy: 12-15 years
Alert / Resilient / Athletic / Loving / Even-tempered
Key facts
Requires moderate grooming
Needs little training
A healthy start to life
Puppyhood is a time of massive physical and behavioural change, and a steep learning curve for new owners. Find out how you can provide your puppy with the best start to life so they develop into strong, healthy dogs.
Lifetime of health
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