Give Your Kitten the Best Start in Life
Nutritionally support growth & development in kittens
Kitten nutrition is designed specifically to provide maximum support during the first weeks of life, but cats' needs change as they grow older. At four to five weeks of age kittens can be given solid food. After the second set of teeth has come through, the nutrients essential to a kitten's growth remain the same until one year old.
Feeding kittens
Follow the guidelines recommended on the packaging of your cat food for feeding your kitten. Avoid feeding your kitten anything other than kitten food, and make sure there is always fresh water available.
Kitten food should also contain all the vitamins and minerals needed for proper skeletal development, as well as antioxidants capable of supporting natural defences and EPA and DHA for proper central nervous system development.
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Read more about kittens
A perfect start to life
Learn how to take care of your kitten's health during the vulnerable first weeks and months of life.