Mixed feeding your dog

English Cocker Spaniel standing indoors eating from a feeding bowl

Is it better to use wet dog food or dry food? Or maybe prepare your dog food yourself? These are very often asked questions new pet owners ask their vets. Proper nutrition for dogs is the key to their healthy development. So it can be a daunting task to decide what’s best to feed them.

Mix feeding - combining wet and dry food

Both types of feed have their pros and cons, which is why pet owners are increasingly choosing to combine them. This is a good solution that can bring many benefits.

Dalmatian adult sitting indoors on a white rug next to a stainless steel feeding bowl

The right amount of food

The amount of dry food, due to its strong dehydration and condensation of nutrients and energy, is not equal to the same volume of wet food. To provide the same amount of energy and nutrients, give the dog a 3.5 times smaller portion than with wet food. When feeding once dry and once wet food, this is important to remember to avoid overfeeding.

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