Taking care of your dog's health

Advice, articles and information to help you take care of your dog.

59 articles

A healthy weight starts with healthy habits

A healthy weight is key to your dog's health and wellbeing. Find out more about the four simple ways you can maintain your dog's healthy weight and keep them in good shape.
Poodle and Yorkshire Terrier adults sitting in black and white on a white background

Each breed's unique health needs

Learn about the different health requirements of each breed and how to best care for them.

English Setter Puppy standing in black and white on a white background

Find a vet

If you have any concerns about your dog’s health, consult a vet for professional advice.

Dachshund adult standing in black and white on a white background

Tailored nutrition

Our work is based on a vast and growing scientific understanding of pet health and nutrition.

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