    20.5 - 25.5 cm20.5 - 25.5 cm
    5 - 7 kg3.5 - 5 kg
      20.5 - 25.5 cm20.5 - 25.5 cm
      5 - 7 kg3.5 - 5 kg



      美國短毛貓最著名的特色,就是個性溫和、輕鬆,同時活潑有趣。 因此,他們極受家庭歡迎,特別是因為他們能夠與小朋友相處融洽。 一般來說,他們與其他貓咪和狗狗亦可以相處得來。

      這些跨海而來的貓咪最初是在 1600 年代由早期美國移民帶到美國 — 當時他們的任務,就是保護船上的補給品不被老鼠破壞。 抵達美國之後,他們很快就成為了家庭中常見的寵物,最終成為美國的代表貓種之一。

      體型中等的美國短毛貓,最具特色的正是其美麗多變的毛色和花紋。 事實上,這個品種共有 60 多種不同的花紋毛色。 不過,他們最令人為之瘋狂的,就是其一身美麗的銀色白毛,有時候也會帶有黑色斑紋。

      美國短毛貓屬於短毛貓種,因此不需要經常梳毛,而且其身形亦相當健康均衡。 美國短毛貓相當長壽,大多數是 15 歲至 20 歲之間。

      這種健康的體質部分來自於其獨立狩獵的本性。 簡單來說,他們勇敢大膽,無論遇到甚麼事情,都能處之泰然。

      雖然美國短毛貓相當愛玩,不過他們亦喜歡窩在梳化。 另外,他們個性雖然獨立,但同時亦感情豐富,可說是完美結合這兩種特質。 在某種程度上,雖然他們喜歡做自己事,但他們亦相當需要主人的關注,亦愛被主人撫摸,而且通常會與主人建立非常緊密的關係。

      American Shorthair standing on stone urn outside

      1. Presidential pretensions

      Did you know that the American Shorthair has even made it into the White House? Former president George Bush and his family owned an American Shorthair named India.


      一直以來,雖然美國都聲稱美國短毛貓是美國的特有貓種,但這個品種其實起源於歐洲。 在 1600 年代,航海冒險家決定將他們帶著,一起走向未知的未來。

      當時美國短毛貓的祖先被賦予相當重要的任務 — 那就是保護船上的珍貴物資和貨物,免受老鼠的侵害。 他們強壯而步伐穩健,同時亦非常聰明。 他們亦以多變的毛色和花紋聞名。

      當他們初抵美國時,最初因善於狩獵而廣為農民和店主飼養。 不久之後,大家亦開始發現他們相當適合作為家養寵物。 從那時起,他們就成為了相當受歡迎的家庭寵物。

      後來在 1800 年代,他們在貓展突然變得非常熱門。 正因如此,人們決定要將美國短毛貓正名。 1906 年,美國短毛貓獲正式命名為「短毛家貓」。

      最後,在 1960 年代初期,這個品種才改名為我們今天所熟知的「美國短毛貓」。 1965 年美國短毛貓更獲得貓迷協會 (Cat Franciers Association,CFA) 選為「年度最佳貓種」,往後亦年年獲選。












      Close-up of American Shorthair looking off camera

      From head to tail

      Physical characteristics of American Shorthairs


      <p>另外,請注意美國短毛貓是否有增加體重的傾向。 由於這是美國短毛貓特別易患上的問題,因此,如果沒有適當的運動和飲食,他們相當容易過胖;如果做過絕育手術的話,就更容易發胖。 如果您的美國短毛貓出現發胖問題,他們就可能需要度身訂製營養配方。 請向獸醫查詢以取得相關飲食建議,並盡量避免餵食任何不健康的小食。<br /></p>


      <p style="margin: 0cm;">一般來說,雖然這個貓種都很健康,而且平均壽命可達 15 至 20 年,但是美國短毛貓亦易於患上幾種疾病。 其中最常見的一種疾病,就是肥厚性心肌症 — 這是一種心肌增厚的疾病。 症狀可能包括呼吸急促、疲倦和食慾不振。 雖然這種疾病目前還無法完全的根治方法,但好消息是,病情是可以控制的。 獸醫可以為您的美國短毛貓提供最適合的醫藥及飲食組合。<br /></p>
      <p><span style="font-size: medium; color: #000000;"></span></p>


      <p class="">請留意,美國短毛貓可能容易有髖關節發育不良的健康問題;這是一種關節容易錯位的遺傳性疾病。 如果貓咪有這種問題,可能會有各種明顯的跡象,例如:貓咪行動變得緩慢、跛行或避免跳躍。 雖然這種健康問題無法完全治癒,但卻可加以管理。 根據狀況的嚴重程度進行體重管理、給予藥物和手術,都有助緩解症狀。 Choosing a responsible breeder can also reduce the risk, as they will be screening for the condition in the kittens’ parents, and it’s important to keep your cat’s weight in check too.a<br /></p>

      Healthy diet, healthier cat

      Tailored health nutrition has a fundamental role to play in maintaining the health and beauty of American Shorthair cats. Food provides energy to help with vital functions and a complete nutritional formula for cats should contain an adapted balance of nutrients. Feeding them in this way will offer a diet that’s neither deficient nor excessive, both of which could have adverse effects on your cat’s health.&nbsp;Clean, fresh water should be available at all times to support good urinary regularity. Cats are also naturally adapted to eating small servings - between 7 and 10 times a day. Giving them the recommended daily ration of kibble once a day will let the cat regulate their own consumption; ironically, when they have only one or two servings a day, their weight increases more than a cat who eats on demand.The following recommendations are for healthy animals. If your cat has health problems, please consult your veterinarian who will prescribe an exclusively veterinary diet.

      Growth is an essential stage in the kitten’s life: it is a time of big changes, discoveries, and new encounters. An American Shorthair kitten’s requirements, in terms of energy, protein, minerals and vitamins, are much greater than those of an adult cat. They need energy and nutrients to maintain their body, but also to grow and build it. A kitten’s growth can be divided into two phases:


      From birth to 4 months

      Weaning is the transition a kitten makes from liquid - or maternal milk - to solid food. This period naturally corresponds to the time when they cut their milk teeth, at 3 to 6 weeks old. At this stage, kittens are not yet able to crunch, so a soft meal (rehydrated kibble or an adapted wet food) helps facilitate the transition between liquids and solids.

      Between 4 and 12 weeks after birth

      the natural immunity a kitten receives from
      the mother’s colostrum - or first milk - decreases while the kitten’s immune
      system gradually develops. This critical time, called the immunity gap,
      requires a complex of antioxidants, including vitamin E, to help support their
      natural defences.&nbsp;Kittens go through an intense and
      particularly delicate period of growth during which they’re prone to digestive
      upset. Their diet at this time should not only be rich in energy to meet their increasing
      growth needs but should also contain highly digestible protein to cater to
      their digestive system that’s still maturing. Prebiotics, such as
      fructo-oligosaccharides, can also support their digestive health by helping to
      balance intestinal flora. The result? Good stool quality, all around.The kitten’s food should contain omega 3
      fatty acids - EPA-DHA - which helps support the proper neuro-cerebral

      Consolidation and Harmonisation: from 4 months to 12 months

      From the fourth month, a kitten’s growth slows down, so a food lower in fats is recommended. This is particularly important after a cat is sterilised. Between 4 and 7 months, a kitten’s milk teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent ones. When the adult teeth have come through, a kitten needs to eat kibble that’s big enough so they’re encouraged to crunch.-Until they’re 12 months old, an American Shorthair kittens’ immune system is still gradually developing. A complex of antioxidants, including vitamin E, can help support their natural defences during this time of big changes, discoveries and new encounters. The digestive system matures progressively, with digestive aptitudes reaching full maturity toward twelve months of age. A cat is then able to consume adult food.

      A senior cat - one over the age of 12 - may sometimes have difficulties with absorption. To maintain the weight of the ageing cat and minimise the risk of deficiency, they should be given an extremely digestible food filled with essential nutrients.

      As they get older, cats increasingly suffer
      from teeth problems, and in some senior cats, the sense of taste and smell may
      decline as well, which leads to a lowered intake of food. To ensure they
      continue to eat enough, the shape, size, and hardness - meaning texture - of
      their kibble needs to be tailored to their now potentially more fragile jaw.

      Note that the best energy
      level for any cat still depends on their lifestyle, even those who are ageing.
      A senior cat that continues to go out regularly will benefit from a diet with a
      slightly higher fat content. On the other hand, ageing does not reduce an
      indoor cat’s risk of obesity. Their calorie intake should still be closely
      monitored. A food with a moderate fat content then may be optimal.


      Things to look out for

      From specific breed traits to a general health overview, here are some interesting facts about your American Shorthair

      <p>美國短毛貓有強大的狩獵本能,極喜歡追逐任何會移動的東西。 因此,最好將他們與其他較小的寵物分開,以免發生意外。 但是,他們通常能與其他貓狗相處融洽,並且通常可以好好適應家庭生活。 由於美國短毛貓天生聰明,又有與生俱來的狩獵技能,因此他們喜歡玩玩具 (如果這些玩具有「狩獵」元素,效果更佳;否則,您的窗簾可能會成為他們的目標)。 而貓抓柱就是您的好幫手,可讓貓咪分散注意力! </p>

      <p>美國短毛貓天性慵懶,生活優哉悠哉。 正因如此,如果他們缺乏運動,便很容易發胖,並對其健康造成嚴重後果。 要美國短毛貓保持身材,最好就是每天與他們玩遊戲, 這樣做的話,便能確保他們燃燒掉一些卡路里。 貓樹正是讓他們好好運動的工具,對於其精神健康亦相當有益。 在理想的情況下,您應該讓美國短毛貓在戶外活動一下,即使是家中花園亦可以。 為他們找一隻小貓來做伴亦不錯 — 這可確保他們在一日之中能動一下。<br /></p>

      <p>顧名思義,美國短毛貓出了名容易打理。 其短而光滑的皮毛只需要每週梳擦一次。 另外,美國短毛貓不太會掉毛,份量一般很少。 每天幫他們刷牙的話,就可以防止牙齒出現任何問題;雖然您亦會為他們的健康著想,為他們準備一個貓抓柱,但您亦要按需要幫他們修剪指甲。 耳朵方面,亦應定期檢查是否有任何碎屑、耳垢或感染跡象。 最後,建議您定期讓專業的美容師為美國短毛貓打扮。 </p>

      <p>美國短毛貓有強大的狩獵本能,極喜歡追逐任何會移動的東西。 因此,最好將他們與其他較小的寵物分開,以免發生意外。 但是,他們通常能與其他貓狗相處融洽,並且通常可以好好適應家庭生活。 由於美國短毛貓天生聰明,又有與生俱來的狩獵技能,因此他們喜歡玩玩具 (如果這些玩具有「狩獵」元素,效果更佳;否則,您的窗簾可能會成為他們的目標)。 而貓抓柱就是您的好幫手,可讓貓咪分散注意力! </p>

      <p>美國短毛貓天性慵懶,生活優哉悠哉。 正因如此,如果他們缺乏運動,便很容易發胖,並對其健康造成嚴重後果。 要美國短毛貓保持身材,最好就是每天與他們玩遊戲, 這樣做的話,便能確保他們燃燒掉一些卡路里。 貓樹正是讓他們好好運動的工具,對於其精神健康亦相當有益。 在理想的情況下,您應該讓美國短毛貓在戶外活動一下,即使是家中花園亦可以。 為他們找一隻小貓來做伴亦不錯 — 這可確保他們在一日之中能動一下。<br /></p>

      <p>顧名思義,美國短毛貓出了名容易打理。 其短而光滑的皮毛只需要每週梳擦一次。 另外,美國短毛貓不太會掉毛,份量一般很少。 每天幫他們刷牙的話,就可以防止牙齒出現任何問題;雖然您亦會為他們的健康著想,為他們準備一個貓抓柱,但您亦要按需要幫他們修剪指甲。 耳朵方面,亦應定期檢查是否有任何碎屑、耳垢或感染跡象。 最後,建議您定期讓專業的美容師為美國短毛貓打扮。 </p>


       Hair length

      Very low

      Family Pet*
       Shedding level Medium Cohabitation with other pet High
      Grooming needs Low
      Can stay alone*
       Energy level* Medium  Environment (indoor/outdoor) Medium
       Vocal tendencies Low

      * We advise against leaving pets alone for long stretches. Companionship can prevent emotional distress and destructive behaviour. Speak to your veterinarian for recommendations.

      Every pet is different, even within a breed; this snapshot of this breed specifics should be taken as an indication.

      For a happy healthy and well-behaved pet, we recommend educating and socializing your pet as well as covering their basic welfare needs (and their social and behavioral needs).

      Pets should never be left unsupervised with a child.

      Contact your breeder or veterinarian for further advice.

      All domestic pets are sociable and prefer company. However, they can be taught to cope with solitude from an early age. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or trainer to help you do this.


      All about American Shorthairs

      1. 美國獸醫中心 https://vcahospitals.com/
      2. 法國皇家 (Royal Canin) 貓百科全書。 Ed 2010 和 2020
      3. Banfield 寵物醫院 https://www.banfield.com/
      4. 法國皇家 (Royal Canin) BHN 產品冊
