Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dogs are popular for their beautiful coats and good-natured character.
Bernese Mountain Dog adult in black and white

About the Bernese Mountain Dog

Originally used as guard and cattle dogs on farms in the Bern region of Switzerland, Bernese Mountain Dogs are versatile working animals and much-loved family pets. Their striking tricolour coat and great adaptability have won them a place in the hearts of families around the globe.

Well balanced, attentive, vigilant and fearless in everyday situations, they are good-natured and loyal to people they know, whilst self-assured and placid with strangers.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés provenant de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Particularités de la race

Pays: Suisse
Catégorie de taille: De très grande taille
Confiant / Affectueux / Vif / Fidèle / Serein / Calme

Faits marquants

Fait un excellent chien de garde
Besoin de toilettage modéré
A besoin de vivre à l'extérieur

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