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Grey cat sitting down

Environmental Allergies and Your Cat

Environmental allergies can arise in cats due to exposure to particular allergens in their natural environment, both indoors and outdoors. Environmental allergies are also known as atopic allergies. A cat may be more prone to environmental or atopic allergies if its natural skin barrier isn't functioning properly, by allowing allergens to enter the body through the outer layer of its skin.

As a result, a cat's immune system will react negatively to the allergens leading to inflammation that results in an allergic reaction.

Illustration of cat entering house

What Can Cause Environmental Allergies in Cats?

Dust, mold and grass are all common allergens that may result in an allergic reaction in cats. Such allergens are often present and common in everyday life so it can be tricky to eliminate them from your cat's environment completely. 

Also, depending on the season or time of year, certain allergies, such as pollen allergies in cats and grass allergies in cats may be more present in the warmer months. 

Ginger cat sat on pavement near a bush

How Do Food Allergies and Environmental Allergies Differ?


A food allergy arises when a dietary allergen, typically a protein causes an adverse reaction. Whereas an environmental allergy is the result of an inflammatory response to an allergen in a cat's natural environment.

Knowing the difference between these two types of allergies is difficult, so it's key to speak to your veterinarian if you notice your cat showing any signs that indicate an allergy.

Learn more about the difference between the allergies in our article: What is Causing My Cat’s Allergic Reaction – Food or their Environment?


Grey and white cat sitting scratching neck with paw

Signs of Common Skin Conditions Caused by Allergies in Cats

Environmental allergies can arise at any time for cats but some seasons may mean particular allergies and the accompanying signs are more present.

The most common signs of environmental allergies are as follows:

  • Itching
  • Scratching
  • Chewing and licking the feet
  • Rashes
  • Redness
  • Darkening of the skin
  • Learn more about the different allergies and signs in our article.

    Why do environmental allergies occur?
    White and black cat being held and stroked by a man and woman

    Supporting Cats With Environmental Allergies

    If your cat has been diagnosed with an environmental allergy your veterinarian may recommend steps to help ease the signs and their discomfort.

    Their recommendations will depend on the type of environmental allergy but may include regularly cleaning to remove dust or using shampoo recommended by a veterinarian when bathing.

    Speak to your veterinarian to get advice on supporting your cat if they have been diagnosed with an environmental allergy.

    Understand Environmental Allergies in Cats

    Quickly learn about environmental allergies in cats with these short frequently asked questions.