Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) - Breed Facts & Characteristics
About the Pyrenean Sheepdog
Its type varies considerably from one valley to the next, but while its size and coat can be very different, its character and behaviour never are. The first standard was published between 1921 and 1925 and it has barely changed since.
The mixture of coarse and woolly hair can cause cording and sometimes matting, which overlaps like tiles on the croup and thighs. Cording may even be found on the breast and the front of the elbows.
Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)Breed specifics
Size category: Small
Avg life expectancy: 15-17 years
Assertive / Lively
Key facts
Requires moderate grooming
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