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Оптимальный вес — это не только килограммы

Взвешивание — не единственный способ проверить, имеется ли у вашей собаки избыточный вес. Вы можете сделать это и с помощью 10-балльной шкалы оценивания, предварительно обратившись за инструкциями к ветеринарному врачу.

How do I tell if my dog is overweight?

It’s important to check your puppy’s weight and shape from the start and to monitor them regularly to be sure they develop into healthy adults. If you don’t have a scale of adapted size (babyscale for instance), simply weigh your puppy by holding them as you step on your family scale and subtracting your own weight. Besides the weight, it’s also easy to pay attention to a few details when you pet them. First, you should be able to easily feel their ribs when massaging with your fingertips. Next, ask yourself a few questions: Can I see a clearly defined waistline when I look at my puppy from above? Does their abdomen tuck up behind their rib cage when viewed from the side? If not, your puppy may be overweight.

Speak to your vet on your next visit to learn about the body condition score and the best ways to assess your puppy’s shape. The more comfortable you are checking your puppy’s shape from the start, the more likely you will detect changes that require professional attention.

It’s crucial to identify if your dog is carrying too much weight and take action, as an overweight dog has a higher risk of serious and life-changing conditions. This can include diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis and more.

A dog is classed as overweight when it is 15% to 20% over its ideal weight and is classed as obese when it is more than 30% over. It’s easy to underestimate how heavy your dog is though, so the best way to check if they’re gaining too much weight is a 3-step look-feel-weigh approach.

  1. Look at their behaviour and shape. Are they somewhat lethargic or get tired easily? Does their stomach sag or can you see their waist and the tuck of their abdomen behind their ribs?
  2. Feel their ribs – can you only feel them with heavy pressure?
  3. Weigh your dog - by weighing them regularly you can monitor any weight gain. Your vet can tell you their ideal weight based on their current weight and assessing their body conditioning score.

Labrador Retriever puppy in black and white lying down in front of a growth curve illustration

Здоровое развитие продолжается всю жизнь

Сбросить вес труднее, чем предотвратить его набор, поэтому важно, чтобы здоровые привычки и поведение закладывались с первого дня.

Golden Retriever adult playing in black and white with a red ball with a stop watch illustration behind

Активность — залог здоровья

Физическая активность необходима для постоянного развития и поддержания нормального веса собаки. Необходимый уровень физических нагрузок зависит от возраста, веса и породы.