Borderski ovčar
Samec | Samica |
Višina | Višina |
48 - 56 cm | 46 - 53 cm |
Teža | Teža |
13.5 - 25 kg | 13.5 - 25 kg |
Zgodnja odraslost | |
1 to 7 years | |
Pozna odraslost | Starost |
7 to 10 years | From 10 years |
Novoskoteni | |
Birth to 2 months |
Samec | Samica |
Višina | Višina |
48 - 56 cm | 46 - 53 cm |
Teža | Teža |
13.5 - 25 kg | 13.5 - 25 kg |
Zgodnja odraslost | |
1 to 7 years | |
Pozna odraslost | Starost |
7 to 10 years | From 10 years |
Novoskoteni | |
Birth to 2 months |
Get to know the Border Collie
All you need to know about the breed
What do we do next? If the Border Collie could talk, this would surely be an oft-heard phrase. The breed is extremely energetic, with an almost constant need to move, so the perfect match is an owner who likes the same. No apartment life for this dog: Border Collie energy is almost off the charts. They would definitely thrive on a farm, ranch, or other setting giving them plenty of room to run and a job to do.
Slight in build, the Border Collie epitomises a herding breed and has the hallmark “herding eye”—a steely stare put on sheep, or perhaps you, when you least expect it! They are by far one of the most agile and nimble dogs.
The breed name comes from the Borders region between England and Scotland, rolling Highland territory that necessitated a dog that could roll with it. Herding sheep all day? No problem!
Loyal to the bone, Border Collies can also be quiet when around strangers, endearingly so. They warm up in a short amount of time, as long as tasks – and jobs – keep coming. Despite their intensity, Border Collie behaviour isn’t erratic, they are pretty predictable and dependable. The breed is tailor-made for agility and obedience competitions, both great outlets for their high athleticism.
2 facts about Border Collies
1. Mojster pobegov
Zaradi nenehne energije in radovednosti bo borderski ovčar šel naravnost za nosom – včasih pa tudi zašel. Za njegovo varnost poskrbite z dobro ograjenim prostorom in budno pazite nanj.
2. Borderski oz. mejni ovčar, najden na »meji«
Borderski ovčar namreč izvira iz območij na meji med Škotsko in Anglijo, kjer so bile njegove izjemne športne veščine in okretnost zelo priročne za hribovito pokrajino škotskega višavja in pastirstvo, močno prisotno v regiji.
History of the breed
Border Collies have a long history in their nation of origin, the United Kingdom, descending from multiple strains of herding and sheepdogs before them. Originating in the 17th century, oddly enough it wasn’t until the 20th that they were officially recognised. Their name stems from the breed’s use as herding dogs in the rolling Highlands found on the border between England and Scotland, the “Collie” part of the name refers to sheepdogs and comes from the Scottish dialect.
As the breed developed, they branched off into specific geographic regions—Welsh Sheepdogs, Northern Sheepdogs, Highland Collies, and Scotch Collies.
In 1860, the second dog show in England was held and Scottish Sheepdogs were shown.
Border Collies are still highly prized for their agility and ability to herd, whether in a commercial or domestic setting. The Border Collie’s remarkable intelligence and need for speed has made them the top winners of agility competitions worldwide.
From head to tail
Physical characteristics of Border Collies
Things to look out for
From specific breed traits to a general health overview, here are some interesting facts about your Border Collie
Healthy diet, healthier dog
When choosing food for a Border Collie, there are many factors to consider: Their age, lifestyle, activity level, physiological condition, and health including potential sickness or sensitivities. Food provides energy to cover a dog’s vital functions, and a complete nutritional formula should contain an adjusted balance of nutrients to avoid any deficiency or excess in their diet, both of which could have adverse effects on the dog.
Clean and fresh water should be available at all times to support good urinary regularity. In hot weather and especially when out exercising, bring water along for your dog’s frequent water breaks.
Energy intake may also have to be adapted to the climatic conditions. A dog that lives outdoors in winter will have increased energy requirements.
The following recommendations are for healthy animals. If your dog has health problems, please consult your veterinarian who will prescribe an exclusively veterinary diet.
A Border Collie puppy’s requirements, in terms of energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins, are much greater than those of an adult dog. They need energy and nutrients to maintain their body, but also to grow and build it. Until they are 12 months old, a Border Collie puppy’s immune system develops gradually. A complex of antioxidants – including vitamin E – can help support their natural defences during this time of big changes, discoveries, and new encounters. Their digestive functions are different from an adult Border Collie’s, too: Their digestive system is not mature yet so it’s important to provide highly-digestible proteins that will be effectively used. Prebiotics, such as fructo-oligosaccharides, support digestive health by helping balance the intestinal flora, resulting in good stool quality.
Similarly, a puppy’s teeth – starting with the milk teeth, or first teeth, then the permanent teeth – are an important factor that needs to be taken into account when choosing the size, shape, and texture of kibble. This short growth phase also means high energy needs, so the food must have a high energy content (expressed in Kcal/100g of food), while concentrations of all other nutrients will also be higher than normal in a specially-formulated growth food. It is recommended to split the daily allowance into three meals until they are six months old, then to switch to two meals per day.
Throughout their life, it is important to avoid feeding Border Collies human foods or fatty snacks. Instead, reward them with kibble taken from their daily meal allowance, and strictly follow the feeding guidelines written on the package in order to prevent excessive weight gain.
The main nutritional goals for adult Border Collies are:
Maintaining an ideal body weight by using highly digestible ingredients and keeping the fat content at a sensible level.
Promoting optimal digestibility with high-quality protein and a balanced supply of dietary fibre.
Helping to preserve the health and beauty of the skin and coat with the enriched addition of essential fatty acids (especially EPA and DHA), essential amino acids, and B vitamins.
To help support their natural defences, a formula enriched with an antioxidant complex and containing mannan-oligosaccharides is recommended.
After 7 years old, Border Collies start facing the first signs of ageing. A formula enriched with antioxidants will help maintain their vitality, and specific nutrients, such as chondroitin and glucosamine, will help maintain healthy bones and joints. Ageing is also accompanied by the modification of digestive capacities and particular nutritional requirements, so food for older Border Collies should have the following characteristics:
Higher vitamin C and E content. These nutrients have antioxidant properties, helping to protect the body’s cells against the harmful effects of the oxidative stress linked to ageing
High-quality protein. Contrary to a widely held misconception, lowering the protein content in food brings little benefit in limiting kidney failure. In addition, older dogs are less efficient at using dietary protein than younger dogs. Reducing the phosphorus content is a good way of slowing down the gradual deterioration of kidney function.
A higher proportion of the trace elements iron, zinc, and manganese to help maintain the good condition of the skin and coat.
A higher quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids to help maintain the quality of the coat. Dogs can normally produce these fatty acids, but ageing can affect this physiological process.
As they age, dogs increasingly suffer from teeth problems. To ensure they continue to eat in sufficient quantities, the shape, size and hardness of their kibble needs to be tailored to their jaw.
Caring for your Border Collie
Grooming, training and exercise tips
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Značilnost pasme so
ekstremne športne veščine. Zaradi prirojene živahnosti za borderskega ovčarja velja:
več aktivnosti je bolje. tekmovanja v agilitiju, poslušnosti, sledenju in rallyu tej pasmi
izjemno ustrezajo, tako kot stalno gibanje. Najboljša je vsakodnevna živahna aktivnost.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p><span>Nega borderskega ovčarja bo neizogibno predstavljala nekaj dela. Ker gre za aktivno pasmo niso vedno tako čisti, kot bi si želeli. Dlaka je lahko bodisi groba bodisi mehka. Z glavnikom z iglami enkrat do dvakrat na teden razčešite vozle, da bo vedno videti čeden in pripravljen na vse.</span></p>
<p><span>Borderski ovčar je eden od psov, ki ga je najlažje vzgajati. Je izjemno inteligenten, z veliko željo po ugajanju, zato lahko trening poslušnosti izvajate ves čas njegovega življenja. Poskrbite za socializacijo od samega začetka, saj je pasma zelo nezaupljiva do prišlekov. Potrebuje stalno zaposlitev, zato so treningi in tekmovanja v agilitiju idealna dejavnost. Zaposleni borderski ovčar je zadovoljen pes.</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Značilnost pasme so
ekstremne športne veščine. Zaradi prirojene živahnosti za borderskega ovčarja velja:
več aktivnosti je bolje. tekmovanja v agilitiju, poslušnosti, sledenju in rallyu tej pasmi
izjemno ustrezajo, tako kot stalno gibanje. Najboljša je vsakodnevna živahna aktivnost.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p><span>Nega borderskega ovčarja bo neizogibno predstavljala nekaj dela. Ker gre za aktivno pasmo niso vedno tako čisti, kot bi si želeli. Dlaka je lahko bodisi groba bodisi mehka. Z glavnikom z iglami enkrat do dvakrat na teden razčešite vozle, da bo vedno videti čeden in pripravljen na vse.</span></p>
<p><span>Borderski ovčar je eden od psov, ki ga je najlažje vzgajati. Je izjemno inteligenten, z veliko željo po ugajanju, zato lahko trening poslušnosti izvajate ves čas njegovega življenja. Poskrbite za socializacijo od samega začetka, saj je pasma zelo nezaupljiva do prišlekov. Potrebuje stalno zaposlitev, zato so treningi in tekmovanja v agilitiju idealna dejavnost. Zaposleni borderski ovčar je zadovoljen pes.</span></p>
All about Border Collies
Ni jih kaj dosti. Največja slabost borderskih ovčarjev
je njihova potreba po stalni aktivnosti. Pasmo se je prvotno uporabljalo za
pastirstvo, imenuje se jih tudi »fanatične deloholike«, tako da
se težko znebi starih navad. Bistroumnost borderskega ovčarja lahko
včasih tudi predstavlja izziv, tako da ni primeren za bivanje v mestu. Če niste lastnik
kmetije, ga zaposlite z večkratnimi dnevnimi sprehodi ali dobro ograjenim vrtom,
kjer se lahko prosto giba. Za zadovoljevanje potreb borderskih ovčarjev po aktivnosti priporočamo
tečaje v agilitiju in napredne treninge poslušnosti.
Izbira borderskega ovčarja kot hišnega ljubljenčka
je lahko odlična odločitev. Gre za živahne pse z odličnim značajem. So zelo
prijazni do otrok, zelo igrivi ter se dobro prilagodijo človeški
družbi. Nagon po pastirstvu je včasih lahko prisoten tudi v odnosu do ljudi. Kot
pri vseh psih sta ključnega pomena zgodnja socializacija in vzgoja.
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1 – Veterinary Centers of America
2 – Enciklopedija o psih Royal Canin. Izdaji 2010 in 2020
3 – Banfield Pet Hospital
4 – knjiga izdelkov Royal Canin BHN
5 – American Kennel Club
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