Help your dog adapt to change or unfamiliar situations

Give your dog a chance to feel better with a diet that is crafted to help them adapt to situations that make them feel nervous.

Chihuahua Adult Dog Standing Up

Formulated to help dogs adapt to tense situations

Changes to your dog’s routine can impact his well-being. Situations such as a trip in the car, moving to a new home, or the arrival of a new baby can make a dog nervous. Adapting his nutrition can help them cope with change. This formula is enriched with nutrients known for their soothing effects to help your dog feel calm in a changing environment.

The nutrition behind Comfort Care

This smart nutritional formula is crafted to support your dog’s overall health to help them adapt to changing situations. It includes a naturally active protein molecule that scientific research has revealed has a calming effect for dogs.

Like all our ranges, Comfort Care formulas are 100% nutritionally complete and contain high-quality protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals your dog needs for lifelong wellbeing.

Tips for nervous dogs

In conjunction with Comfort Care nutrition, a few hints and tips to help keep your nervous dog feeling well.

Border Collie adult running in a park with a yellow frisbee


Ensuring your dog has regular daily exercise is really important in helping them to feel well. You could try playing games such as fetch in the park or at home, as well as taking your dog for a walk at least once daily as tolerated.

Golden Retriever sitting next to a bench being stroked by its owner


Most dogs thrive on getting plenty of attention. Doing lots of things together that they feel comfortable with, from brushing and petting to playing outdoors, can help to increase your dog’s wellbeing.

Ageing Labrador Retriever lying down outdoors by a silver bow, waiting for food


A regular routine helps dogs to feel more secure, as they know what to expect. So try to follow the same timings and routines for mealtimes, walks and other daily activities.