Border Collie

Los border Collie son reconocidos por sus habilidades de pastoreo
  • Tendencia al babeo

    1 out of 5
  • Necesidades de aseo

    3 out of 5
  • Nivel de desprendimiento del pelaje

    3 out of 5
  • Tendencias a ladrar

    3 out of 5
  • Nivel de energía*

    5 out of 5
  • Compatibilidad con otras mascotas

    5 out of 5
  • Clima cálido

    4 out of 5
  • Clima frío

    4 out of 5
  • Apto para vivir en un departamento

    1 out of 5
  • Puede quedarse solo*

    1 out of 5
  • Mascota familiar*

    5 out of 5
* Desaconsejamos dejar a las mascotas solas durante largos períodos. El compañerismo puede prevenir la angustia emocional y el comportamiento destructivo. Habla con tu veterinario para obtener recomendaciones. Cada mascota es diferente, incluso dentro de una raza; esta instantánea de los detalles de esta raza debe tomarse como una indicación. Para una mascota feliz, sana y de buen comportamiento, recomendamos educar y socializar a tu mascota, así como cubrir sus necesidades básicas de bienestar, sociales y comportamentales. Las mascotas nunca deben dejarse sin supervisión con un niño. Todas las mascotas domésticas son sociables y prefieren la compañía. Sin embargo, se les puede enseñar a hacer frente a la soledad desde una edad temprana. Busque el consejo de su veterinario o entrenador para ayudarlo a hacer esto.
Illustration of Bull Terrier
48 - 56 cm46 - 53 cm
13.5 - 25 kg13.5 - 25 kg
Etapa de la vida
Período de adulto
De 1 a 7 años
Edad de mayorEdad de adulto mayor
De 7 a 10 añosA partir de 10 años
Período neonatal
Del nacimiento a los 2 meses
  • Tendencia al babeo

    1 out of 5
  • Necesidades de aseo

    3 out of 5
  • Nivel de desprendimiento del pelaje

    3 out of 5
  • Tendencias a ladrar

    3 out of 5
  • Nivel de energía*

    5 out of 5
  • Compatibilidad con otras mascotas

    5 out of 5
  • Clima cálido

    4 out of 5
  • Clima frío

    4 out of 5
  • Apto para vivir en un departamento

    1 out of 5
  • Puede quedarse solo*

    1 out of 5
  • Mascota familiar*

    5 out of 5
* Desaconsejamos dejar a las mascotas solas durante largos períodos. El compañerismo puede prevenir la angustia emocional y el comportamiento destructivo. Habla con tu veterinario para obtener recomendaciones. Cada mascota es diferente, incluso dentro de una raza; esta instantánea de los detalles de esta raza debe tomarse como una indicación. Para una mascota feliz, sana y de buen comportamiento, recomendamos educar y socializar a tu mascota, así como cubrir sus necesidades básicas de bienestar, sociales y comportamentales. Las mascotas nunca deben dejarse sin supervisión con un niño. Todas las mascotas domésticas son sociables y prefieren la compañía. Sin embargo, se les puede enseñar a hacer frente a la soledad desde una edad temprana. Busque el consejo de su veterinario o entrenador para ayudarlo a hacer esto.
Illustration of Bull Terrier
48 - 56 cm46 - 53 cm
13.5 - 25 kg13.5 - 25 kg
Etapa de la vida
Período de adulto
De 1 a 7 años
Edad de mayorEdad de adulto mayor
De 7 a 10 añosA partir de 10 años
Período neonatal
Del nacimiento a los 2 meses

Get to know the Border Collie

All you need to know about the breed

What do we do next? If the Border Collie could talk, this would surely be an oft-heard phrase. The breed is extremely energetic, with an almost constant need to move, so the perfect match is an owner who likes the same. No apartment life for this dog: Border Collie energy is almost off the charts. They would definitely thrive on a farm, ranch, or other setting giving them plenty of room to run and a job to do.

Slight in build, the Border Collie epitomises a herding breed and has the hallmark “herding eye”—a steely stare put on sheep, or perhaps you, when you least expect it! They are by far one of the most agile and nimble dogs.

The breed name comes from the Borders region between England and Scotland, rolling Highland territory that necessitated a dog that could roll with it. Herding sheep all day? No problem!

Loyal to the bone, Border Collies can also be quiet when around strangers, endearingly so. They warm up in a short amount of time, as long as tasks – and jobs – keep coming. Despite their intensity, Border Collie behaviour isn’t erratic, they are pretty predictable and dependable. The breed is tailor-made for agility and obedience competitions, both great outlets for their high athleticism.


Dos datos acerca del Border Collie

1. He may be an escape artist

The incessant energy and curiosity of the Border Collie character will cause them to follow their nose--and to wander as well. Keep them safe with a well-fenced enclosure and a watchful eye.

2. A Border found on the border 

Between Scotland and England, that is, as the Border Collie's extreme athleticism and agility was well-suited for the hilly Highland terrain found there and the sheep herding activities so needed in the region.

Black and white portrait of Border Collie with paws in front

Historia de la raza

Border Collies have a long history in their nation of origin, the United Kingdom, descending from multiple strains of herding and sheepdogs before them. Originating in the 17th century, oddly enough it wasn’t until the 20th that they were officially recognised. Their name stems from the breed’s use as herding dogs in the rolling Highlands found on the border between England and Scotland, the “Collie” part of the name refers to sheepdogs and comes from the Scottish dialect.

As the breed developed, they branched off into specific geographic regions—Welsh Sheepdogs, Northern Sheepdogs, Highland Collies, and Scotch Collies.

In 1860, the second dog show in England was held and Scottish Sheepdogs were shown.

Border Collies are still highly prized for their agility and ability to herd, whether in a commercial or domestic setting. The Border Collie’s remarkable intelligence and need for speed has made them the top winners of agility competitions worldwide.



Características físicas del Border Collie



Sensitive, mobile ears reflect the herding instinct, set well apart.


Head held alert, riveted, exhibiting high intelligence.


Deep and broad chest with gently sloping back, strong muscular neck.


Tail curves upward at tip, bushy and full, hangs down in relaxed manner.


Dense, weather-resistant double coat of two varieties: Rough, medium-length, feathered on haunches, chest, and underside, or smooth, short, coarse overall.


Desde rasgos específicos de la raza hasta una visión general de la salud, aquí tienes algunos datos interesantes sobre tu Border Collie

Dieta saludable, perro más saludable

When choosing food for a Border Collie, there are many factors to consider: Their age, lifestyle, activity level, physiological condition, and health including potential sickness or sensitivities. Food provides energy to cover a dog’s vital functions, and a complete nutritional formula should contain an adjusted balance of nutrients to avoid any deficiency or excess in their diet, both of which could have adverse effects on the dog.

El agua limpia y fresca debe estar disponible en todo momento para apoyar una buena regularidad urinaria. En climas cálidos y especialmente cuando haga ejercicio, lleve agua para los frecuentes descansos de su perro.

La ingesta de energía también puede tener que adaptarse a las condiciones climáticas. Un perro que vive al aire libre en invierno tendrá mayores necesidades energéticas.

Las siguientes recomendaciones son para animales sanos. Si su perro tiene problemas de salud, consulte a su veterinario quien le prescribirá una dieta exclusivamente veterinaria.

A Border Collie puppy’s requirements, in terms of energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins, are much greater than those of an adult dog. They need energy and nutrients to maintain their body, but also to grow and build it. Until they are 12 months old, a Border Collie puppy’s immune system develops gradually. A complex of antioxidants – including vitamin E – can help support their natural defences during this time of big changes, discoveries, and new encounters. Their digestive functions are different from an adult Border Collie’s, too: Their digestive system is not mature yet so it’s important to provide highly-digestible proteins that will be effectively used. Prebiotics, such as fructo-oligosaccharides, support digestive health by helping balance the intestinal flora, resulting in good stool quality.

Del mismo modo, los dientes de un cachorro, comenzando con los dientes de leche o primeros dientes, luego los dientes permanentes, son un factor importante que debe tenerse en cuenta al elegir el tamaño, la forma y la textura de las croquetas. Esta breve fase de crecimiento también implica grandes necesidades energéticas, por lo que el alimento debe tener un alto contenido energético (expresado en Kcal/100 g de alimento), mientras que las concentraciones de todos los demás nutrientes también serán más altas de lo normal en un alimento de crecimiento especialmente formulado. Se recomienda dividir la ración diaria en tres comidas hasta los seis meses de edad, luego pasar a dos comidas al día.

Throughout their life, it is important to avoid feeding Border Collies human foods or fatty snacks. Instead, reward them with kibble taken from their daily meal allowance, and strictly follow the feeding guidelines written on the package in order to prevent excessive weight gain.

The main nutritional goals for adult Border Collies are:

Maintaining an ideal body weight by using highly digestible ingredients and keeping the fat content at a sensible level.

Fomentar una digestibilidad óptima con proteínas de alta calidad y un aporte equilibrado de fibra dietética.

Ayudar a preservar la salud y la belleza de la piel y el pelaje enriqueciendo los alimentos con ácidos grasos esenciales (especialmente EPA-DHA), aminoácidos esenciales y vitaminas del grupo B.

Para ayudar a mantener sus defensas naturales, se recomienda una fórmula enriquecida con un complejo antioxidante y que contenga manano-oligosacáridos.

After 7 years old, Border Collies start facing the first signs of ageing. A formula enriched with antioxidants will help maintain their vitality, and specific nutrients, such as chondroitin and glucosamine, will help maintain healthy bones and joints. Ageing is also accompanied by the modification of digestive capacities and particular nutritional requirements, so food for older Border Collies should have the following characteristics:

Mayor contenido de vitamina C y E. Estos nutrientes tienen propiedades antioxidantes, que ayudan a proteger las células del cuerpo frente a los efectos dañinos del estrés oxidativo vinculado al envejecimiento.

Proteína de alta calidad. Contrariamente a un concepto erróneo ampliamente difundido, la reducción del contenido de proteínas en los alimentos brinda pocos beneficios para limitar la insuficiencia renal. Además, los perros mayores son menos eficientes en el uso de proteínas dietéticas que los perros más jóvenes. Reducir el contenido de fósforo es una buena forma de frenar el deterioro progresivo de la función renal.

Una mayor proporción de oligoelementos de hierro, zinc y manganeso para ayudar a mantener el buen estado de salud de la piel y el pelaje.

Una mayor cantidad de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados para ayudar a mantener la calidad del pelaje. Los perros pueden producir normalmente estos ácidos grasos, pero el envejecimiento puede afectar este proceso fisiológico.

A medida que envejecen, los perros sufren cada vez más problemas en los dientes. Para garantizar que continúen comiendo en cantidades suficientes, la forma, el tamaño y la dureza de sus croquetas deben adaptarse a su mandíbula.


Cuidado de tu Border Collie

Consejos de cuidados, entrenamiento y ejercicio

<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Extreme athleticism is the hallmark of the
breed. With its innate high drive, the more exercise the Border Collie gets,
the better. Agility, obedience, tracking, and rally competitions suit this
breed well, or really any constant movement! Daily vigorous activity is best.<o:p></o:p></span></p>

<p><span>Grooming your Border Collie will inevitably require some work. As an active breed, they don&rsquo;t always stay as clean as we might prefer. With fur that&nbsp; can vary from a rough coat to a smooth one, using a pin comb one to two times a week will take out tangles and&nbsp; keep him looking sharp and ready for anything.</span></p>

<p><span>Fewer dogs are easier to train than the Border Collie. Very intelligent and with a high desire to please, obedience training can be practiced throughout your dog&rsquo;s life. Make sure to socialise them from the start since the breed can be wary of newcomers. In need of a job always, agility training and competitions are the perfect outlet. A busy Border Collie is a content Border Collie.</span></p>

<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Extreme athleticism is the hallmark of the
breed. With its innate high drive, the more exercise the Border Collie gets,
the better. Agility, obedience, tracking, and rally competitions suit this
breed well, or really any constant movement! Daily vigorous activity is best.<o:p></o:p></span></p>

<p><span>Grooming your Border Collie will inevitably require some work. As an active breed, they don&rsquo;t always stay as clean as we might prefer. With fur that&nbsp; can vary from a rough coat to a smooth one, using a pin comb one to two times a week will take out tangles and&nbsp; keep him looking sharp and ready for anything.</span></p>

<p><span>Fewer dogs are easier to train than the Border Collie. Very intelligent and with a high desire to please, obedience training can be practiced throughout your dog&rsquo;s life. Make sure to socialise them from the start since the breed can be wary of newcomers. In need of a job always, agility training and competitions are the perfect outlet. A busy Border Collie is a content Border Collie.</span></p>


All about Border Collies

All about Border Collies

  1. Centros veterinarios de Estados Unidos;
  2. Royal Canin Dog Encyclopaedia. Ed 2010 and 2020
  3. Hospital de mascotas de Banfield
  4. Paquete de productos Royal Canin BHN
  5. American Kennel Club

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