Joint care for dogs
Safeguard your dog’s bones and joints with high-quality nutrients that help keep it supple and active.
97% of owners satisfied in just 28 days
Research shows that, in just 28 days, 97% of owners are satisfied with the results of our Joint Care product. Its formula has been tested and scientifically proven at the Royal Canin kennels in France.
The nutrition behind joint care
Joint Care
Our crunchy kibbles are designed to fit between a dog's teeth, and offer all the nutrients needed for a healthy diet and supple, comfortable joints.
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Joint care tips
A few hints and tips to help keep your dog’s joints comfortable.
Stay active
Keeping your dog active with regular exercise will help to ensure their joints remain supple. However, it’s best to avoid stressing their joints with activities that involve high impact jumping or sudden stopping or starting.
Weight control
When your dog’s carrying extra pounds, it can put a real strain on their joints, which can lead to injury as well as overall health issues. It’s best to keep their weight to an optimal level so they stay light on their paws.
Dog-friendly ramps
If your dog’s continually jumping to and from a car boot, sofa or other height it can lead to their joints becoming damaged. To prevent this, use ramps wherever possible so getting up and down is gentler on their joints.
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