Intense Beauty Gravy

Intense Beauty Gravy

Mitrā barība kaķiem

Pilnvērtīga barība pieaugušiem kaķiem (plānas šķēles mērcē).

Pieejamie izmēri

85g x 12

Kāda ir pareizā porcija?

Maintaining your cat's coat can be challenging, particularly in long-haired breeds. However, providing your cat with the right nutrients will greatly contribute to a healthy, shiny coat that truly shows off its natural beauty. ROYAL CANIN® Intense Beauty in Gravy contains high levels of omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids to help your cat maintain a beautiful coat and healthy skin. ROYAL CANIN® Intense Beauty in Gravy also helps your cat maintain an ideal weight - with a low fat content to help prevent excess weight gain, and an optimal protein level for healthy muscle development and growth. A healthy urinary system is also supported by ROYAL CANIN® Intense Beauty in Gravy, it helps maintain your cat's bladder function. To cater to each cat's individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® Intense Beauty is also available as dry food, with crunchy and tasty kibble. If you're considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your cat gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.


Omega 3 un omega 6 taukskābes veselīgai ādai un kažokam

Palīdz saglabāt kažoka skaistumu, īpaši ar sastāvā esošajām omega 3 un omega 6 taukskābēm.

Ideālas ķermeņa masas saglabāšanai

Palīdz uzturēt ideālu svaru.

Urīnizvades sistēmas veselībai

Palīdz saglabāt urīnceļu veselību.