British Shorthair

British Shorthair

Mitrā barība kaķiem

Pilnvērtīga barība kaķiem - speciāli pieaugušiem britu īsspalvainās šķirnes kaķiem - vecākiem par 12 mēnešiem (plāni gabaliņi mērcē).

Pieejamie izmēri

85g x 12

Kāda ir pareizā porcija?

ROYAL CANIN® British Shorthair Adult in Gravy is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your British Shorthair cat in mind. The British Shorthair typically has a sturdy, heavy and muscular body. As a naturally solid and powerful cat, your cat's weight should primarily derive from muscle instead of fat. Therefore, the right nutrients (as well as correct portion sizes) are essential. ROYAL CANIN® British Shorthair Adult in Gravy contains a moderate energy level and an adapted fat content (3.2%) for effective weight management. ROYAL CANIN® British Shorthair Adult in Gravy contains a specific balance of nutrients, including a variety of vitamins, to not only maintain a healthy and well-nourished coat, but also to support and maintain healthy skin. To cater to each cat's individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® British Shorthair Adult is also available as dry food, with crunchy and tasty kibbles. If you're considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your cat gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.


Pielāgota tekstūra

Pielāgota tekstūra.

Mērena enerģija

Pielāgots tauku saturs efektīva svara uzturēšanai.

Veselīga urīnsistēma

Palīdz atbalstīt veselīgu urīnsistēmu.

Veselīga āda & kažoks

Palīdz uzturēt ādas un kažoka veselību.