Ageing 12+ Jelly

Ageing 12+ Jelly

Mitrā barība kaķiem

Pilnvērtīga barība novecojušiem kaķiem vecākiem par 12 gadiem (plānas šķēles želejā).

Pieejamie izmēri

85g x 12

Kāda ir pareizā porcija?

To ensure that your senior cat (aged 12+) receives the specific nutrition it needs to help maintain optimal health, you will need to feed it a diet that it will consume readily and instinctively. That's why ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ in Jelly is formulated to match the optimal Macro Nutritional Profile that is instinctively preferred by ageing cats like yours.ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ in Jelly also provides senior cats with specially formulated food to help maintain healthy joints through a high level of Omega-3 fatty acids – specifically EPA and DHA.Furthermore, ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ in Jelly also contains an adapted phosphorus content to help support healthy kidney function and overall renal health.To cater to each cat's individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ is also available in a delicious gravy, or as dry food with tasty and crunchy kibble.If you're considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your cat gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.


Locītavu veselībai – EPS un DHS

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