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Does your Dog have Tartar?

Tartar is the thin layer of plaque that forms on your dog’s teeth after eating. Some dogs are more vulnerable to the formation of dental tartar. Over time, the tartar can be a hotbed for multiple types of bacteria.


Royal Canin’s Dental Care Reduces Tartar by up to 99%

This recipe features an advanced mechanical texture that gently scrapes your dog’s teeth clean. At the same time, its calcium chelators reduce plaque and tartar formation.  Oral hygiene plays an important role in your dog’s overall health. Want to know what else you can do?


You can do more to help your dog

You can brush your dog’s teeth daily. Don’t use the toothpaste meant for humans. Use toothpastes that cater specifically to dogs. In most cases, this is enough to solve your dog’s problems. However...


Does the problem still persist?

… if you still notice tartar, red gums, or difficulty in chewing, please, contact your veterinarian and arrange for a checkup. With your love and care, your dog will be same old chewy self again.


The nutrition of dental care

Bacteria naturally settles on your dog’s teeth after meals, which can cause a build up of plaque and tartar and could eventually lead to gum disease. Our kibbles have an advanced texture that cleans your dog’s teeth while they’re chewing. They surround each tooth as your dog bites down, so every mouthful rubs the surface with a brushing effect. These nutritious kibbles are also enhanced with a binding agent that bonds to the calcium in your dog’s mouth and helps to prevent tartar forming.

Dental care tips

A few hints and tips to help keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy.