Stool odour reduction

A lack of exercise may lead to a slower intestinal transit which can result in smelly stools. Indoor 27 contains highly digestible protein (L.I.P.*), an appropriate fibre content and specific nutrients to promote good digestion and helps reduce the quantity and odour of stools*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high digestibility.

Moderate calorie

A moderate fat content, adapted to the lower activity of indoor cats, helps maintain healthy weight.

Hairball reduction

Indoor 27 helps stimulate intestinal transit and the elimination of ingested hair thanks to specific fibres including psyllium.

Urinary health

Formulated to help maintain health of an adult cat’s urinary system.

עבודה לקראת עתיד בר-קיימא

‏‎‎‏אנחנו מאמינים שחיות מחמד הופכות את העולם שלנו לטוב יותר, הן מספקות לנו השראה ומטרה לחיינו. התפקיד שלנו לספק עולם טוב יותר לחיות המחמד ™A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS.‏‎‎‏

מידע נוסף
לברדור רטריבר בוגר יושב עם בעליו בחוץ

רכיבים: חלבון עופות מיובש, אורז, חיטה, תירס, אייסולאט של חלבון מהצומח, שומן מהחי, חלבונים מהחי שעברו הידרוליזה, קמח חיטה, סיבים צמחיים, ציפת סלק, שמרים וחלקיהם, שמן סויה, מינרלים, פרוקטו-אוליגו-סכרידים, שמן דגים, זרעי וקליפות פסיליום (0.5%), קלינופטילולייט (10 גר'\ק"ג), חומרים משמרים- חומרים נוגדי חימצון.
תוספי תזונה מוספים (לק"ג): ויטמין A – 13500 יחב"ל, ויטמין 3D – 700 יחב"ל, 1E (ברזל) – 42 מ"ג, 2E (יוד) – 4.2 מ"ג, 4E (נחושת) – 13 מ"ג, 5E (מנגן) – 55 מ"ג, 6E (אבץ) – 164 מ"ג,  8E (סלניום) – 0.09 מ"ג.
ערכים תזונתיים: חלבון 27%, שומן 13%, לחות 5.5%, אפר גולמי 7.3%, סיבים גולמיים 4% אנרגיה מטבולית: 3808 קק"ל\ק"ג
משקל החתול3 ק"ג4 ק"ג5 ק"ג6 ק"ג
משקל אידאלי45 גרם56 גרם65 גרם74 גרם
16-INDOOR 27-B1-NE

יש לכם שאלות נוספות לגבי מוצר זה?

גלו כיצד להשיג אותנו, וצרו קשר.

יש לכם שאלה?

חוות דעת של לקוחות

Grammy Mama
03 ספט 2024

My picky eater loves Royal Canin Indoor Cat food!

I recently took in my son’s beautiful cat he got as a kitten. It’ll be a year in November that she’s been with me. She just turned four in June, but I’ve been with her since the day she came home! I adore her, and her name is Pua. Well Pua is the pickiest cat I’ve ever had when it comes to eating! I had her on other food that was fine, but decided to take her off after reading about horrible issues with that food. Ok so onto a much better food. At first it was ok, but she then started not eating this dry food at all. And she is so very picky about her wet food also! Well I then decided to give Royal Canin Indoor Cat Food a try. She ate it instantly…did not even need to do a slow transition!! She ate like she’s never eaten before!! The food is much smaller in size too compared to the other good food I was giving her, which is perfect for her as she is a gorgeous long haired beauty but is actually a very petite little girl!! I’m so happy she chows this down daily! It’s a little hard on me financially with Royal Canin being so expensive, but it’s ok…anything for my fur baby girl! I am currently waiting on a package from a different pet store where I purchased her Royal Canin dry food & I also purchased her Royal Canin wet food too! I hope she will love that as much as she does the dry food! You should make treats too!! I wish there were more sales or discounts somehow, that would be extremely helpful! Thank you so much! I know she’s in good hands & good health with Royal Canin!
Sarah J
18 יונ 2024

Great for my cat's sensitive stomach

I switched my cat to this food due to him vomiting a few times a week on his old food, one that his vet had recommended. He had a few episodes as I transitioned his food over to Royal Canin, but he hasn't been sick in the last 3 weeks, so I call that a win. He is also a constant groomer, so I think this food may help with hairballs also.
15 אפר 2024

Cats approved and less smelly stools

My 7 cats had no issues transitioning to this brand. Their stools are much less stinky which is a giant plus!
תגובת Royal Canin
We're glad to hear that your kitties are doing well on the Royal Canin food!
13 אפר 2024

תגובת Royal Canin
Thank you!
15 מרץ 2024

10 מרץ 2024

09 פבר 2024

25 ינו 2024

17 ינו 2024

The only food my cats love it

I never had a problem with this food, my cats love it,
Lily Lynx
11 ינו 2024