Managing Cat Dandruff and Dry Skin
A cat’s skin is the largest organ on its body, and one of the most important when it comes to protecting it against infection, parasites or irritants. It can also be affected by dandruff.
What is dandruff in cats?
Dandruff is caused when the glands in your cat’s skin which are responsible for producing oil – the sebaceous glands – begin to overproduce. These oils nourish and protect the skin; however, in too great a quantity they can start to irritate your cat’s skin, causing flakiness and more shedding than normal.
Your cat has dandruff if you can see white specks in their fur, which may shed onto your clothes or their bedding. Their skin will look dry and may be inflamed. You’ll also notice them grooming or itching more frequently than normal, and you may see some irregular bald patches or general hair loss.
What causes dandruff in cats?
If your cat has dandruff, it can be caused by a number of different things. Dandruff is one of the symptoms of ringworm, a fungal infection where spores enters your cat’s skin through a bite or scratch and attack the outermost layer. Alongside dandruff, you may notice irregular or circular patches of hair loss, weak or brittle hair, and reddish patches of skin. This highly infectious disease can be treated, but it’s essential to visit your vet as soon as you spot any symptoms.
Your cat’s diet can also cause dandruff if what they’re eating is lacking in particular nutrients essential to the healthy functioning of their skin. The process of renewing their skin cells uses up to 30% of your cat’s daily protein intake, so any food they eat should include high quality, highly-digestible proteins than are easily absorbed into their system.
Omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids contribute to the overall health of the skin, and as they can’t be synthesised by your cat’s body they should be a regular part of their diet. Certain vitamins, such as vitamin A, also contribute to skin health, regulating cell growth and the production of oils.
Lifestyle is another factor which can affect the development of dandruff in your cat. If their environment is too warm, it can dry out their skin and trigger an over-production of oils, leading to dandruff. This, along with excessive grooming which can cause skin problems, is a common problem for indoor cats. If you regularly wash your cat, using products other than cat shampoo can irritate their skin; it’s more acidic than human skin, and so cleaning products designed for us aren’t suitable.
How can I treat dandruff in my cat?
If you have identified the symptoms of dandruff in your cat, it’s important to take it to the vet in case they’re suffering with ringworm or another parasitic infection. If your cat does have ringworm, your vet will treat this in three stages: treating the infected hair, removing any remaining spores and disinfecting your cat’s environment. If the dandruff is being caused by another sort of parasite, your vet will advise you on the best treatment.
Feeding your cat a nutritionally-balanced, complete food is one of the best ways you can optimise their skin health and prevent conditions like dandruff occurring. If your cat is particularly prone to skin conditions, you could also choose a food which is specifically designed to support and maintain good skin health. You should also pay close attention to your cat’s environment and lifestyle to make sure you’re doing all you can to support their wellbeing.
Usually, dandruff in cats can be easily solved; visit your vet for advice, and they will be more than happy to give you ideas on how to keep your cat’s skin and hair healthy.
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