American Bobtail
About the American Bobtail
American Bobtails are loving and incredibly intelligent cats. They are extremely interactive and bond with their human family with great devotion. They will often initiate games with their owners, and they demonstrate their hunting instincts in the home, by catching flying insects mid-air.
A mostly quiet cat, the American Bobtail is known to trill, chirp and click when delighted. This easy-going breed gets along with most dogs and welcomes newcomers.
Sumber: fakta dan karakteristik utama yang bersumber dari World Cat Congress (WCC)
Khusus ras
Negara: Amerika Serikat
Rambut: Lapisan rambut pendek
Kategori ukuran: Besar
Harapan hidup rata-rata: 13-15 tahun
Sosial / Tenang / Penyayang / Pintar / Ramah / Ceria
Fakta penting
Membutuhkan perawatan sedang
Sangat cocok untuk hidup di dalam ruangan
anak dan hewan lainnya
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