Puppy routine Weaning - 1 to 2 months

Caring for a weaning puppy is a big responsibility. It can be easier than you think – and it’s always rewarding!

1. Secure your house so they can explore with confidence

Now that your puppy is steadier on their paws, it’s time to secure your space and let them go wild (maybe not too much). Secure your home and make sure to keep cleaning products, drugs, plants, and other potentially toxic products away from their reach, so they can safely take advantage of this learning and socialising period. Don’t forget to tie up wires as they can be really attractive for puppies who might enjoy chewing on them.

labrador puppy looking outside

2. Get them the right puppy food mix

Make sure your puppy has everything they need in their diet. It should be balanced, of high quality and adapted to the weaning period. At this age, ROYAL CANIN® Puppy Starter is the ideal dry food. It’s also a good time to introduce mixed feeding by serving wet food such as ROYAL CANIN® Starter Mother & Baby Dog soft mousse can in a separate bowl. This duo gives your puppy the benefits of both types of food, which helps cater to their growing needs. Remember to always choose the product that aligns with your dog’s expected adult size, as they all have different needs. Finally, make sure your puppy always have fresh water accessible at all time!

starter kibbles and mousse for maxi dogs

3. Follow the vaccination calendar

Take your puppy for their vaccinations at the date advised by your vet. When given at the right time, vaccines help your puppy build their immune system and help protect their still fragile body against infection and diseases. It will be the occasion for your vet to also provide advice on preventative worming and external parasites treatment. well, we already recommended this when the puppies were 15 days old. Vaccination happens 1 month later (on average)

puppy labrador at the vet

4. Provide adapted chewing toys

Between four to six weeks old (depending on the breed), your puppy's teeth start to grow, and the chewing period starts! Give them adapted toys twice as large as their mouth to prevent the risk of choking. Chewing on toys helps relieve the pain from growing teeth while feeding their curiosity and playfulness. It also protects your shoes and furniture.

puppy german shepherd with toy

5. Keep it playful

Weaning is a crucial period for your puppy to develop their social skills so you should make time and play with them. It will make them braver and more confident. What they learn today will lay the foundation for their future behaviour, so, the more you can play with them, the better!

golden retriever puppy playing with a stick

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