Constant innovation
Royal Canin is part of an ever-evolving industry, with various feeding trends becoming increasingly popular. To avoid misinformation or chasing trends, and to ensure we are making decisions in the best interest of pets, we put research and innovation at the heart of everything we do. The more we understand, the better placed we are to make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of cats and dogs.
From the conception of Royal Canin in 1968, observation and innovation have led to the development of over 200 unique products, tailored to the needs of cats and dogs. But we won't stop there. We never take learning for granted and maintain ongoing dialogues with scientific experts, pet professionals and owners to inform our developments.
By increasing our knowledge and sharing it with our partners, we create credibility and trust, allowing us to add value to all of their interactions with pets, and ensuring there is always a direct link to the known needs of animals.
Furthermore, at Royal Canin our research, insights and partnerships allow us to expand our nutritional solutions. In our quest to offer increasingly precise formulas, we constantly test and review adaptations to the shape, texture, palatability and digestibility of products and ensure its safety at every step.
To make sure our nutritional formulas are precisely tailored to real-world needs, we partner with pet experts - veterinarians, breeders, professional groups and organisations. This has allowed us to develop a deep understanding of individual breeds, varied life stages and lifestyles, as well as the consideration of many medical conditions.
Nutritional precision
ROYAL CANIN®’s products are the result of years of careful research focused on the precise nutritional needs of cats and dogs. Unlike many of our competitors who take an ingredients-led approach, we are committed to a detailed, nutrient-led philosophy.
In a nutrient-focused approach, the specific nutritional needs of cats and dogs are evaluated first, and an optimal diet profile is based on the needs that have been established. These needs are determined by the species of the pet, but also their breed, lifestyle, age and health condition or sensitivities. From here, high quality, highly digestible ingredients are selected which can be combined to match the specific nutritional profiles.
Needs of cats and dogs first
A dog is not a person, and a cat is not a small dog. The basic physiological differences between humans, cats and dogs call for specific nutritional requirements. At Royal Canin, we strive to understand even the smallest of nutritional differences between each species and in doing so, help ensure that our diets support their unique needs.
This means that new products are researched and developed, not through trends in human nutrition or the preference of pet owners, but utilising science and observation to produce a precise combination of nutrients vital to each cat or dog's health. Putting the real needs of the animals first helps ensure that we have a clear focus to guide our research and underpin the nutritional mission of all our foods.
Applying our in-depth knowledge of nutrients to the specific requirements of cats and dogs enables us to deliver a tailored solution. By focusing single-mindedly on helping cats and dogs have healthy lives, we give you the best reason possible to choose our nutritional diets.
Pronađite proizvod
Proizvodi tvrtke ROYAL CANIN® rezultat su višegodišnjeg pažljivog istraživanja usmjerenog na točno određene prehrambene potrebe mačaka i pasa. Svaka je formula razvijena za pružanje prehrane prilagođene zdravstvenim potrebama vašeg kućnog ljubimca bez obzira na njegovu pasminu, dob ili način života. Pregledajte cijeli asortiman proizvoda tvrtke Royal Canin.
Okusni pupoljci: 9,000
Dnevni unos energije: 1800 – 2500 kcal/dan
Vrijeme unosa hrane: 30 – 60 minuta
Prehrana: svejed
Okusni pupoljci: 1,700
Dnevni unos energije: 130 – 3500 kcal/dan
Vrijeme unosa hrane: 1 – 5 minuta
Prehrana: polumesojed
Okusni pupoljci: 475
Dnevni unos energije: 200 – 300 kcal/dan
Vrijeme unosa hrane: više malih obroka
Prehrana: mesojed
Potrebe mačaka i pasa na prvom su mjestu
Pas nije osoba niti je mačka mali pas. Osnovne fiziološke razlike između ljudi, mačaka i pasa imaju za posljedicu i drugačije prehrambene potrebe. U tvrtki Royal Canin nastojimo razumjeti i najmanje prehrambene razlike između svake vrste i na taj način jamčimo da naša prehrana podržava njihove jedinstvene potrebe.
Dakle, istraživanja i razvoj novih proizvoda temeljimo na znanosti i promatranju, a ne na trendovima ljudske prehrane ili preferencijama vlasnika kućnih ljubimaca, a sve kako bi se proizvela precizna kombinacija hranjivih tvari koji su od vitalnog značaja za svaku mačku ili psa. Stavljanje stvarnih potreba životinja na prvo mjesto pokazuje da imamo jasan fokus koji vodi naša istraživanja i potkrepljuje našu prehrambenu misiju u pogledu svakog našeg prehrambenog proizvoda.
Primjenom našeg produbljenog znanja o hranjivim tvarima koje odgovaraju specifičnim potrebama mačaka i pasa možemo lakše osmisliti prilagođena rješenja. Najbolji razlog za odabir naše prehrane je činjenica da fokus u potpunosti stavljamo na zdrav život mačaka i pasa.
Prehrambena filozofija tvrtke Royal Canin
Tvrtka Royal Canin od prvog je dana predvodnik prehrane vođene znanošću. Naš pristup prehrani kućnih ljubimaca oduvijek se temeljio na znanstvenim činjenicama i neprestano se razvija prateći istraživanja nutricionista, veterinara i znanstvenika iz cijelog svijeta. Naša prehrambena filozofija od samog osnutka vođena je znanošću i promatranjem, a temelji se na tri glavna principa: prvo na potrebama mačaka i pasa, zatim na prehrambenoj preciznosti te stalnim inovacijama.
Prehrambena filozofija tvrtke Royal Canin
Tvrtka Royal Canin od prvog je dana predvodnik prehrane vođene znanošću. Naš pristup prehrani kućnih ljubimaca oduvijek se temeljio na znanstvenim činjenicama i neprestano se razvija prateći istraživanja nutricionista, veterinara i znanstvenika iz cijelog svijeta. Naša prehrambena filozofija od samog osnutka vođena je znanošću i promatranjem, a temelji se na tri glavna principa: prvo na potrebama mačaka i pasa, zatim na prehrambenoj preciznosti te stalnim inovacijama.