Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are lively, highly intelligent dogs that have a well-earned reputation as great companions.
Boston Terrier adult in black and white

About the Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers convey an impression of determination, strength and activity, moving with freedom and grace.

Alert and kind, Boston Terriers are friendly, loving dogs who are easily recognised by their distinctive black and white coat, giving them a “tuxedo” effect.

Allikas: põhifaktid ja omaduste kirjeldused põhinevad FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) andmetel

Üksikasjad tõu kohta

Grooming, training and exercise tips

Kasvukategooria: Väike
Keskmine oodatav eluiga: 13-15 aastat
Sõbralik / Elav / Intelligentne / Tasakaalukas

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