
Tonkinese cats are very vocal and communicate their needs to their owners out loud.
Tonkinese adult black and white

About the Tonkinese

Tonkinese cats like the company of people and they like to be the centre of attention.

The Tonkinese is a very sociable cat and would prefer to live with other cats for company. Intelligent and generous with their affection, Tonkinese cats will try to get involved with all household activities.

Allikas: Peamised faktid ja omadused pärinevad Maailma Kassikongressist (WCC).

Üksikasjad tõu kohta

Riik: Myanmar
Karvastik: Lühikarvaline
Kasvukategooria: Keskmine
Keskmine oodatav eluiga: 10-16 aastat
Aktiivne / Südamlik / Hoiatus / Sõbralik

Olulised faktid

Vajab palju tähelepanu
Vajab mõõdukat karvastiku hooldust
kui ka välitingimustesse

Märkige see leht meeldivaks ja jagage seda