Let's talk Jack Russell Terriers

When it comes to energy, the small but mighty Jack Russell Terrier might have cornered the market. Their liveliness is matched by a smile-inducing confidence that seems to say, “Move over world, I’ll take it from here.” Originally bred for the hunt, the breed still boasts a keen intelligence, making them easy to train if you know what you are doing. Jack Russell Terriers form strong bonds with their human family, especially the person taking care of their needs on a daily basis. If that is you, you’ve got a friend for life. Albeit one that doesn’t sit still for long.

Official name: Jack Russell Terrier

Other names: Jack Russell

Origins: England

Jack Russell Terrier adult black and white
  • Drooling tendencies

    1 out of 5
  • Shedding Level

    2 out of 5
  • Energy level

    5 out of 5
  • Compatibility with other pets

    5 out of 5
  • Warm weather?

    2 out of 5
  • Suited to apartment living

    3 out of 5
  • Family pet

    4 out of 5
  • Can stay alone

    1 out of 5
*We advise against leaving pets alone for long stretches. Companionship can prevent emotional distress and destructive behaviour. Speak to your veterinarian for recommendations. Every pet is different, even within a breed. This snapshot of this breed specifics should be taken as an indication only. For a happy, healthy, and well-behaved pet, we recommend educating and socializing your pet, as well as meeting their basic welfare needs (and their social and behavioral needs). Pets should never be left unsupervised with a child. Contact your breeder or veterinarian for further advice. All domestic pets are sociable and prefer company. However, they can be taught to cope with solitude from an early age. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or trainer to help you do this.
Illustration of a Jack Russell
25 - 30 cm25 - 30 cm
5 - 6 kg5 - 6 kg
Life Stage
2 to 10 months10 months to 8 years
8 to 12 yearsFrom 12 years
Birth to 2 months
  • Drooling tendencies

    1 out of 5
  • Shedding Level

    2 out of 5
  • Energy level

    5 out of 5
  • Compatibility with other pets

    5 out of 5
  • Warm weather?

    2 out of 5
  • Suited to apartment living

    3 out of 5
  • Family pet

    4 out of 5
  • Can stay alone

    1 out of 5
*We advise against leaving pets alone for long stretches. Companionship can prevent emotional distress and destructive behaviour. Speak to your veterinarian for recommendations. Every pet is different, even within a breed. This snapshot of this breed specifics should be taken as an indication only. For a happy, healthy, and well-behaved pet, we recommend educating and socializing your pet, as well as meeting their basic welfare needs (and their social and behavioral needs). Pets should never be left unsupervised with a child. Contact your breeder or veterinarian for further advice. All domestic pets are sociable and prefer company. However, they can be taught to cope with solitude from an early age. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or trainer to help you do this.
Illustration of a Jack Russell
25 - 30 cm25 - 30 cm
5 - 6 kg5 - 6 kg
Life Stage
2 to 10 months10 months to 8 years
8 to 12 yearsFrom 12 years
Birth to 2 months

Get to know the Jack Russell Terrier

All you need to know about the breed

There is nothing quite like that Jack Russell Terrier attitude. It is perfectly encapsulated by the expression “Big dog energy”. It just happens to be housed in a little dog’s body.

With all the boldness, exuberance and yes, energy, of a far larger animal, the Jack Russell Terrier struts through life with a lively joy. Loyal and devoted, they will be more than pleased to have you along for the ride.

While Jack Russell Terriers can make great family pets, especially when socialized as puppies, they are known to be a bit “nippy” and as such are best suited to families with slightly older children able to understand how to behave around dogs. A Jack Russell isn’t a good fit with toddlers or very young children.

Originally bred to accompany hunters, the Jack Russell still has the stamina and temperament that are part and parcel of a working dog’s personality, including the high prey drive for which they were prized. You might be less enthused to discover your Jack Russell Terrier taking off after anything that moves so keeping them on a leash when out and about is always a good idea.

Two things to note about the breed: In spite of their small size, they do need a lot of exercise – you will likely tire long before they do – and mental stimulation. And they really don’t take well to being left alone. The breed’s separation anxiety can actually affect their overall health. Luckily, with that early socialization and training – perhaps with a professional familiar with the Jack Russell Terrier’s particular brand of smarts – they will be more than ready to accompany you as you go about your day.

Jack Russell puppy sat on a large pumpkin

Two facts about Jack Russell Terriers

1. Did you say something?

It has been said that the Jack Russell Terrier likes the sound of his own voice. Perhaps a kind way of saying that the breed can be a bit barky. Excitable by nature, they will not hesitate to let you know if they are upset. Or content. Or hear something. You get the idea. Calm, but firm training can help get this tendency in check early.

2. How much exercise exactly?  

They may be small, but this feisty, lively breed needs to expend their considerable energy every day. A walk around the block twice a day is not going to cut it. Think one hour of exercise a day minimum for your Jack Russell Terrier. Off-leash time nourishes their independent spirit – just make sure they are in a well-enclosed space. As a true terrier, if they can dig their way out, they will escape!

Black and white portrait of a sitting Jack Russell

History of the breed

Originating in England sometime in the mid-to-late 1800s, the Jack Russell Terrier was bred by the Reverend John Russell - funnily enough, not the John Russell Terrier - to accompany the good reverend on his beloved fox hunts. Mostly white so as not to be confused with the animals being pursued, they were low to the ground to be close to their quarry, fast enough to keep up with the hunt and plenty wriggly to follow foxes down narrow burrows to flush them out. And they were noisy enough to sound the alarm for all to hear when they’d found something, never harming their prey in the process.

In any event, these hardy terriers were bred to do a job and, while current Jack Russells are unlikely to be traceable to the parson’s originals, the breed is still driven to work, a fact that surprises nobody considering the breed’s high energy reserves and prey drive. Now a popular companion animal, sprightly Jack Russell Terriers still require room to explore and their smart minds occupied.

No reason to bore you with all the to, fro, and discussion around the breed’s official recognition. Suffice it to say that they were finally recognized by the AKC in 2001, with their name changed to Parson Russell Terrier. The Jack Russell Terrier Breeders Association followed suite, becoming the Parson Russell Terrier Association of America. Interestingly, the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) and the New Zealand Kennel Club (NZCK) are among kennel associations that register both the Jack Russell Terrier and the Parson Russell Terrier as different breeds.


From head to tail

Physical characteristics of Jack Russell Terriers

Illustration of a Jack Russell


Dark, almond shaped eyes with expression of alertness.


Black, fully pigmented nose.


Flat skull gradually decreasing in width.


Lithe, predominantly white body proportioned slightly longer than tall.


High-set tail may be straight or with slight forward curve.
Black and white portrait of a sitting Jack Russell

Things to look out for

From specific breed traits to a general health overview, here are some interesting facts about your Jack Russell Terrier

A skip and a jump

A pretty healthy breed overall, Jack Russell Terriers can be prone to a few select joint problems – all that constant movement might be to blame – from hereditary Legg-Calve-Perthes (LCP) disease, which can be corrected surgically, to, most commonly, luxating patellas. Basically, their knee-caps can move out of position. You can spot symptoms of the latter early, including limping, skipping and a sitting position that seems as though they are compensating. A good vetinarian can help you decide if your pooch needs surgery or not.

Yawn… the breed bores easily

While training the Jack Russell Terrier can be a relatively easy endeavour thanks to the breed’s inherent smarts, they are known to get bored rather quickly and lose interest. Not good for training! So on you to keep those sessions entertaining, changing up here and there to make sure your Jack Russell Terrier stays engaged. If you do, they will learn fast and the training will stick. They were bred as a working dog after all.


Caring for your Jack Russell Terrier

Grooming, training, and exercise tips

While Jack Russell Terriers come with different coat types, none are particularly high maintenance, much like the breed itself. Brush or comb your dog’s coat weekly to remove loose hairs, prevent matting or knots and to help distribute their natural skin oils for a cleaner, shiny coat. Trim nails as needed and check ears for wax or dirt regularly. When it comes to exercise, the robust Jack Russell Terrier needs a lot of exercise. Head into nature for long walks, hikes and bike rides. Tired Jack Russell Terriers are a good thing! The breed does have a high prey drive – early training will help avoid problems. As we have said elsewhere on this page, with patience and a firm hand, training headstrong Jack Russell Terriers can be a breeze – as long as you keep it interesting to offset the breed’s natural short attention span.


All about Jack Russell Terriers

  1. Veterinary Centers of America https://vcahospitals.com/
  2. Royal Canin Dog Encyclopaedia. Ed 2010 and 2020
  3. Banfield Pet Hospital https://www.banfield.com/
  4. Royal Canin BHN Product Book
  5. American Kennel Club https://www.akc.org/

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