Royal Canin’s Sponsored Guide Dog, Robin, Continues to Thrive With Owner, Mark


two guide dogs

Some of you may remember that Royal Canin started sponsoring a guide dog puppy, Robin—named for his Christmastime birth—back in 2019. Robin went on to complete his training with Guide Dogs, sailing through with flying colours! Since being placed with his owner, Mark, Robin has continued to thrive and now provides a life-changing service every single day. Read more about Robin and Mark’s journey in our latest update below.

We recently spoke with guide dog owner, Mark, who began his amazing partnership with guide dog, Robin, 9 months ago. Mark lost his sight as a result of head injuries and irreversible damage to his optic nerve.

Robin was sponsored by Guide Dogs’ corporate partner, Royal Canin, and it is fantastic to hear how the last 9 months have been going since Robin officially qualified. “

Robin has settled in really, really well”. Robin is Mark’s second guide dog and they were partnered together on Valentine’s day! Mark’s first guide dog, Albert, who is now 10, recently retired as a guide dog which has been an emotional part of Mark’s own journey. Fortunately, Mark’s daughter rehomed Albert, who we hear is living the life of Riley! So, Albert is still very much part of the family and Robin and Albert have become the best of friends!

Mark and Robin have been enjoying their walks together. Robin is confident and relaxed. “The lovely thing about Robin is that he is hugely enthusiastic at all points. If I saddle him up for town, he’s got great enthusiasm and he’s got just as much enthusiasm bringing me home! He loves life and is so joyous.” 

Mark then went on to say:

“With Robin, it means on an ordinary day, I can get out and get some exercise. I can go out to town and do jobs. It means I can go and get on a bus. My daughters live a way away, but he means I have the freedom to get out and see my children. My son lives in Cheshire, and I’ve been on the train with Robin to see him, he’s great on public transport”.

“Robin is such a friendly dog. He wants to  and play, when he’s not working of course. When he’s free running, he wants to play with every dog in sight! He’s learnt to know who does and doesn’t want to play.”

“Robin has made a huge difference to my life. I wouldn’t get out without him. He’s given me the freedom for everything. I can travel for Christmas to see my family. He just gives me the hope that I wouldn’t have without him”.

“I am profoundly grateful to anyone who supports Guide Dogs. The work they do is invaluable and truly life-changing. I am particularly grateful to Royal Canin who sponsored Robin. He takes care of me and allows me to live a life that I could not without him. His companionship is, in every regard, life-changing and lifesaving. Thank you”.

Find out more about the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association >

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