Sterilised Gravy

Sterilised Gravy

Mitrā barība kaķiem

Pilnvērtīga barība sterilizētiem / kastrētiem pieaugušiem kaķiem (plānas šķēles mērcē).

Pieejamie izmēri

12 x 85g

Kāda ir pareizā porcija?

Sterilised cats have different requirements compared to cats that haven't been neutered or spayed. That's why ROYAL CANIN® Sterilised in Gravy is specially formulated with the nutritional needs of your neutered adult cat in mind. With a controlled energy content and a moderate level of fat, ROYAL CANIN® Sterilised in Gravy helps to limit the chances of your cat gaining an excess weight; particularly when served in adequate daily rations. ROYAL CANIN® Sterilised in Gravy is formulated to match the optimal nutritional profile instinctively preferred by adult cats - to ensure that they consume the nutrients they need to maintain good overall health. ROYAL CANIN® Sterilised in Gravy also contains a carefully-considered balance of minerals that helps to support the health of your cat's urinary system. To cater to each cat's individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® Sterilised is also available as wet food in a soft and tasty loaf, or delicious gravy, as well as dry food in a tasty and crunchy kibble. If you're considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your cat gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.


Kermeņa masas uzturēšanai

Palīdz uzturēt ideālu svaru sterilizētiem kaķiem.

Urīnizvades sistēmas veselībai

Palīdz saglabāt urīnceļu veselību.

Instinktīva izvēle

Sastāvs ir veidots tā, lai tas optimāli atbilstu kopējām barības prasībām, kurām pieauguši kaķi instinktīvi dod priekšroku.