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Akitas are very appreciative of company yet fiercely independent and calm, and capable of taking the initiative without vacillating.
Akita adult black and white

Informazioni sull'Akita Inu

These guard dogs are big and sturdily built, with lots of substance and an aptitude to athletics that makes them well suited to long walks and exercise. The Akita has a noble and dignified expression that has made them popular across the world.

Except for white, all coat colours are “urajiro”, which means that the sides of the muzzle, cheeks, under the jaw, neck, chest, belly, underside of the tail and the inside of the legs are covered with whitish hair.

Fonte: aspetti e caratteristiche chiave provenienti dalla Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Caratteristiche della razza

Paese: Giappone

Taglia: Grande

Aspettativa di vita media: 10-12 anni

Docile / Fedele / Calmo / Obbediente

Aspetti principali

  • Ottimo cane da guardia
  • Necessita di un proprietario esperto
  • Richiede toelettatura moderata

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