Let's talk Persians
The dignified, sophisticated and, yes, fluffy Persian wins hearts the world over as one of the most popular cat breeds. Could it be the adorable muzzle? The lustrous fur? The subtle demeanor? It’s all of the above with this medium-size cat, who graces any household with quiet grandeur and fulfills their unofficial role as lap cat extraordinaire, preferring a quiet home to a bustling busy one.
Official name: Persian
Other names: Persian Longhair, Longhair
Origins: Iran (originally Persia)
Hair length |
Family Pet* |
Shedding level | Cohabitation with other pets | ||
Grooming needs | Can stay alone* |
Energy Level* | Environment (indoor/outdoor) | ||
Vocal tendencies | Low |
* We advise against leaving pets alone for long stretches. Companionship can prevent emotional distress and destructive behaviour. Speak to your veterinarian for recommendations.
Every pet is different, even within a breed; this snapshot of this breed specifics should be taken as an indication.
For a happy healthy and well-behaved pet, we recommend educating and socializing your pet as well as covering their basic welfare needs (and their social and behavioral needs).
Pets should never be left unsupervised with a child.
Contact your breeder or veterinarian for further advice.
All domestic pets are sociable and prefer company. However, they can be taught to cope with solitude from an early age. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or trainer to help you do this.
Get to know the Persian
All you need to know about the breed
Sweetness and light, the Persian is a downright delightful cat. Super soft fur, big lion paws, and the merest “eek” of a meow makes them one attractive feline. The breed is overtly calm, and not one to enjoy change of any sort, they are domestic sorts in every way, shape, and form.
An ancient breed, the history of the Persian cat is one that has stood the test of time. They hail from Persia (go figure), now Iran, and since the 1500s have seen their popularity spread across the globe: At present, there are more than 200 Persian varieties worldwide.
The breed is hugely popular in France, their regal appearance making a parfait accompaniment to sophisticated French culture.
As flocculent as the Persian cat may be, they don’t enjoy being fussed over and don’t, at times, like to be hugged. And they will let you know. It may be hard to keep your paws off them, but they are an independent sort and will cuddle on their own terms. Docile and pretty easygoing, Persians are fine being left at home while you’re out tending to their kingdom.
2 facts about Persians
1. Despite hailing from Persia...
Excessive heat is an issue for Persian cats.
Logic would dictate that this is so, given the breed’s luscious locks, but the
breed does best kept indoors out of excessive sun.
2. Top of the heap
According to the Cat Fanciers
Association, North America’s premier cat club, Persians are the most popular
breed in the United States and rank fourth overall in the world. The breed
itself is not surprised.
Saga kynsins
Sophisticated, wise, confident - the Persian cat is all of these and more. Persians were discovered by the 17th Century Italian adventurer Pietro Della Valle who first saw the cat in Persia, now modern-day Iran, and brought the cat home with him to Europe.
The breed’s popularity spread throughout the continent upon their return in the early 1600s, and breeding ensued to preserve the iconic long hair of their coat and the breed’s overall statuesque appearance. King Louis XV was quite fond of the breed, introducing it to the royal court in France in the 1700s.
The Crystal Palace cat show, held in London in 1871, further gave rise to the breed’s popularity as Queen Victoria, the monarch at the time, was hugely fond of the Persian personality.
From years of breeding, the hugely cherished Persian changed from their original appearance to their present one. For years, the breed had only shiny, silky, gray fur but the first of two genetic changes occurred in 1882, producing the Chinchilla coat, the very popular white with flecks of gray (the breed now comes in a wide array of coat colors and combinations). In 1942, another genetic change happened and the brachycephalic face emerged - a flattened appearance that has become the beloved breed we know today. The snub nose is charming for breeders and fans, but its development proved difficult for the Persian cat’s health when it comes to breathing and respiratory issues.
From head to tail
Physical characteristics of Persians
1. Ears
Round-tipped ears tilted forward set far apart and low on head
2. Head
Massive head characterised by short, snubbed nose, round face, strong jaw
3. Body
Balanced, refined body, muscular and substantial limbs with soft round lines
4. Tail
Rounded tail somewhat short in length, hair very long on the surface
5. Coat
Magnificent long-haired topcoat, shorter undercoat, multiple colour combinations
Hlutir sem gæta skal að
From specific breed traits to a general health overview, here are some interesting facts about your Persian
They are prone to kidney disease.
A Persian’s health is generally robust but like all cats, Persians have certain maladies that are a concern; for them, it’s kidney disease, which can come in the form of polycystic, or many cysts that form inside the organ. The condition is said to occur in one out of every three Persian cats. It is very treatable with the right veterinary care, proper diet, and a decent amount of exercise for your feline.
Caring for your Persian
Ábendingar um snyrtingu, þjálfun og hreyfingu
How to groom a Persian cat? Very diligently.
Kettir af þessu kyni eru rómaðir fyrir síðan feldinn, en það verður ekki undan því komist
að leggja mikla vinnu í umhirðuna til að halda feldinum fallegum og kettinum heilsuhraustum. Til
að byrja með: a daily run-through with a comb for your Persian. Þannig kemur þú í veg fyrir
flækjur og hnúta. Það þarf að baða köttinn mánaðarlega til að halda bæði
gljáandi yfirfeldinum og fisléttum undirfeldinum hreinum og lausum við óhreinindi og bakteríur,
og gæta þess að þurrka feldinn vel og kemba hann eftir baðið. Gott er að bursta feldinn
aftur á bak, en þannig dreifist eðlilega úr olíunni sem myndast í feldinum. Það þarf að sjálfsögðu að klippa
klær Persian-kattarins eftir þörfum, en þannig er þeim haldið hraustum.
Það er leikur einn að þjálfa Persian-kött,
enda hafa þeir sérlega gott geðslag. Kettir af þessu kyni njóta þess að gleðja aðra
og eiga því auðvelt með að skilja fyrirmæli og fylgja þeim. Sandkassi, matarskömmtun,
bannað að fara upp í sófa – þeir skilja þetta allt ef þú sýnir þolinmæði og
blíðlegan aga. Kettir af þessu kyni eru viðbragðsfljótir og eiga
auðvelt með að fylgja fyrirmælum þínum.
Persian-kötturinn þarf að fá talsverða hreyfingu daglega, eins og öll kattardýr, og þú sérð til þess með því að leika við kisann þinn. Cat toys are sold in abundance. Boltar með bjöllum og leikföng sem skjótast til og frá koma gæludýrinu á hreyfingu og tryggja gott blóðflæði, sem aftur stuðlar að góðri heilsu. Satt best að segja elska Persian-kettir hvíldartímann sinn en það er mikilvægt að tryggja þeim daglega hreyfingu til að halda þeim liprum og í góðu formi.
All about Persians
Purrrfect!! The breed is everything they
appear: Snuggly, friendly, affable, and always up for a chase after a toy or a
tasty treat. Persian temperament is top-notch. Call them your domestic goddess
with their sweet stare and accessible behaviour.
If a Persian cat won’t sit on your lap, no
cat will. Persians are very friendly and known to be tender and dear. This
breed will never have trouble showing their soft side.
Read more on this topic
Your guide to buying a kitten
The cost of owning a cat
Your guide to adopting a cat
Should I choose a pure breed or mixed breed cat?
1 - Veterinary Centers of America https://vcahospitals.com/
2 - Royal Canin Dog Encyclopaedia. Ed 2010 and 2020
3 - Banfield Pet Hospital https://www.banfield.com/
4 - Royal Canin BHN Product Book
5 - American Kennel Club https://www.akc.org/