Let's talk Cymric cats

The Cymric stands out from the cat crowd due to their unconventional tail, often appearing tailless. This affectionate breed prefers to mix with a crowd instead of being left to their own devices. A purr-fectly friendly cat, the Cymric is very endearing with her round-shaped features, which make her look like a bowling ball whenever she runs. Young Cymric felines integrate easily into a household with respectful cat-friendly dogs and children, whereas their older counterparts tend to be more settled in their ways. 

Official name: Cymric

Other names: Manx Longhair

Origins: The Isle of Man

Black and white portrait of a Cymric from the side, stood looking up


Shedding level


Warm weather? Low
Physical activity needs (high, low, medium) Medium Family pet?*  Medium
Compatibility with other pets

* We advise against leaving pets alone for long stretches. Companionship can prevent emotional distress and destructive behavior. Speak to your veterinarian for recommendations.

Every pet is different, even within a breed; this snapshot of this breed specifics should be taken as an indication.

For a happy healthy and well-behaved pet, we recommend educating and socializing your pet as well as covering their basic welfare needs (and their social and behavioral needs).

Pets should never be left unsupervised with a child.

Contact your breeder or veterinarian for further advice.

All domestic pets are sociable and prefer company. However, they can be taught to cope with solitude from an early age. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or trainer to help you do this.
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Illustration of a Cymric
18 cm - 23 cm Height
5 kg 500.0 - 6 kg 500.0 Weight
18 cm - 23 cm Height
4 kg 750.00 - 5 kg 500.0 Weight

 Baby age  Birth to 4 months
 kitten age  4 to 12 months
 Adult age 1 to 8 years
 Mature age  8 to 12 years
 Senior age  From &2 years


Get to know the Cymric

All you need to know about the breed

The Cymric is full of contradictions but the bottom line is, their  top-notch temperament makes them great companions. While they’re incredibly playful, indoor life suits them well so apartments make an ideal home. They’re also well-matched with first-time owners due to their laid-back nature, which makes them difficult to offend. 

The closer a Cymric cat can be to your lap, all the better for snuggling. This breed likes to keep a watchful eye on the household and is often on high alert for potential threats, a nod to their mouser origins. On the flip-side, the Cymric is sociable, known to greet new human acquaintances with a friendly cheek rub while welcoming cat-friendly dogs with very open paws. The Cymric is not the most vocal feline but when they need your attention, they will let out a gentle chirp or trill.

Another distinctive physical attribute of the breed, in addition to their unconventional tail length, is that their hind legs are longer than their forelegs. This makes the Cymric an excellent jumper. If you find them going too high, let them know - well-mannered, they tend to respect your wishes. 

Cymric cats are a highly intelligent breed, with the capacity to learn tricks, such as playing fetch. They’re also late bloomers, maturing at five years old, so they often keep their kitten-like behaviour even as adults. That gives you plenty of time to teach them all the party tricks - they’ll certainly appreciate the attention. 

Cymric cat sat in front of a red background looking up


2 facts about Cymric cats

1. Seeing double

The Cymric is identical to the Manx cat in appearance and personality - so it’s understandable if you confuse the two. They both hail from The Isle of Man and have a tailless appearance. So how to tell them apart? Cymric cats have a longer coat length than their feline doppelgangers. Most Cymrics also have tufts of hair between their toes.

2. Coat Of Many Colours 

Did Dolly Parton write her song for Cymric cats? This breed has a beautiful soft and silky double coat that comes in a variety of appealing colours and patterns. Colours include red, blue-cream, silver and brown while patterns range from Tortoiseshell, Tabby, Calico and Shaded. The same goes for the Cymric’s eye colour, which can be any of the following; Amber, Copper, Green, Gold, Hazel, Orange, Yellow.


History of the breed

Cymric is pronounced “kim-rick” and means Wales, as in the U.K. country. There is no clear link between the Cymric cat and Wales so feel free to store this in the “random facts” part of your brain! 

The history of the Cymric starts with the Manx cat, so-called due to its discovery on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. Legend has it that the Manx landed on the island either with the Spanish Armada or on a Viking ship. Due to lack of official documentation, it is hard to distinguish fiction from fact with regard to the breed’s origin story.  

Between 1750 and 1810, cross-breeding between domestic cats and the Manx created a random mutation which led to a whole litter being born without a tail - this genetic predisposition continued to appear on the small island, thus establishing both the Manx and the Cymric breeds.  

The Cymric cat has mostly been an overlooked breed, with interest only starting to catch on in the 1960s. Until the 1970s, the Cymric was referred to as “Manx Mutant”, which makes it sound more like an X-Men character than a cat. 

It is thanks to Canadians Blair Wright and Leslie Falteisek, pioneering Cymric breeders, that this affectionate feline got its official name. Today the Cymric still doesn’t fit into one tidy box: the CFA considers the breed as a “long-haired Manx” whereas TICA and CCA both consider the breed independently of the Manx. But these are just details, the Cymric is an adorable breed with much love to give.

Kitten Cymric


From head to tail

Physical characteristics of Cymric cats

1. Ears

Medium-sized ears, as wide as tall, rounded at tips.

2. Coat

Single coat with medium or long hair, tipped in colour, ruff at neck.

3. Body

Elongated, strong body, medium length heavy legs.


Things to look out for

From specific breed traits to a general health overview, here are some interesting facts about your Cymric
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My loneliness is killing me 

The Cymric is far from needy or clingy - purr-lease - but they are better suited to people who work from home a lot or who don’t have to work at all. Cymric cats also make willing road-trip companions, so if you have a second home or take holidays within the country they’ll be more than happy to tag along.

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The long and short of it

A Cymric’s health is generally good but like all cats, Cymrics have ailments to watch out for. The breed has a unique look in part because of their very short tail, or in some cases, no tail at all. This is a genetic mutation that can lead to certain spinal or neurological complications. One helpful solution is to contact a recommended/responsible breeder, who should not propose a Cymric under the age of four months. And become best friends with your vet! They will provide the best counsel to keep your Cymric happy and healthy.


Caring for your Cymric

Grooming, training and exercise tips

How to groom a Cymric cat? Two to three weekly brushing sessions will maintain their shiny coat and prevent matting. Increase brushing activity during autumn and spring, when Cymric cats shed. Training your Cymric cat is a pleasure as they’re highly intelligent and curious, and respond well to discipline. Do keep prized possessions locked away though, as this breed has deft paws that can open doors - they’re actual cat burglars. Cymric cats are lively but their robust build makes them susceptible to weight gain: jingly pet toys with feathery bits and bobs will have them playing fetch and climbing their cat tree in no time, to keep them fit. The Cymric is also open to being taken out on a leash for short walks, so long as you live in a suitably quiet area away from busy roads.

All about Cymric cats

Cymric cats are one of the rarer breeds out there, so if you have your heart set on one, be sure to seek out recognised breeders who come recommended. The Cymric can mate with other cats to create tailless kittens, who are not officially classified as Cymric cats. No need for alarm - just be aware that there are a few dishonest breeders out there, looking to make an easy profit.

A Cymric can be born with one of four tail lengths: “Rumpy” means no tailbone. A “Rumpy Riser” means a very short tail, with movement restricted to up and down. A “Stumpy” means a short tail that can move in any direction and last but not least, the rare “Longie”, which looks and behaves like any other cat tail. Now you know. 


1 - Veterinary Centers of America https://vcahospitals.com/ 

2 - Royal Canin Dog Encyclopaedia. Ed 2010 and 2020

3 - Banfield Pet Hospital https://www.banfield.com/

4 - Royal Canin BHN Product Book

5 - American Kennel Club https://www.akc.org/