American Wirehair
About the American Wirehair
American Wirehairs are known to be very tolerant of children. They are calm, but can also be playful even into old age. In general, they are intelligent cats and quite interested in everything around them.
Many American Wirehairs retain their hunting instinct with any insects that should venture into the house. They enjoy the company of their people, but retain their independence. Many are lap cats, while some prefer just to be nearby.
Sumber: fakta dan karakteristik utama yang bersumber dari World Cat Congress (WCC)
Khusus ras
Negara: Amerika Serikat
Rambut: Lapisan rambut pendek
Kategori ukuran: Sedang
Harapan hidup rata-rata: 15-16 tahun
Tenang / Sosial / Diam / Penuh kasih sayang / Ceria / Pintar / Mandiri
Fakta penting
Membutuhkan perawatan sedang
Sangat cocok untuk hidup di dalam ruangan
anak dan hewan lainnya
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