American Curl
About the American Curl
American Curls like people, they are friendly and have well-balanced behaviour. They are very intelligent and playful. It’s important that their owner has time to give them attention, as this breed doesn't enjoy being left out of the activity of the household.
They have quiet voices and are not overly vocal, however, they make their wants known with gentle trilling and cooing sounds. Their kitten-like personality lasts well throughout adulthood.
Sumber: fakta dan karakteristik utama yang bersumber dari World Cat Congress (WCC)
Khusus ras
Negara: Amerika Serikat
Rambut: Lapisan rambut pendek
Kategori ukuran: Sedang
Harapan hidup rata-rata: 15-20 tahun
Ramah / Penyayang / Sosial / Tenang / Pintar / Ceria
Fakta penting
Membutuhkan perawatan sedang
Sangat cocok untuk hidup di dalam ruangan
Membutuhkan banyak perhatian
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